Really? No Flying in next patch?

Stop with pathfinder please. No one has liked this achievement because of the implications of it. It’s a way to force players to play more to earn something that should be just a gold buy just like it was to begin with (all expansion up through MoP). We also already have flying with the dragons so why limit the old flying to again a system no one has ever said was a great idea.


I like Pathfinder.
I don’t want to pay for flying on alts like the old days. Do it once, they all have it.


Took a minute, but I found it. I could only post on my alt shaman then.

I re-read a fair amount of the thread. There are some very fire posts that did not hold up well over time. My favorite was the one asking for the old dev team/ culture back. Yikes.

You did give me a nice compliment though on my warrior being big damage, I appreciate it. I had fun in some of our 2s games.

I also am very impressed with how quickly you found and replied to a random mention. But going back through, it is much like I remembered. You link things, I link things and we end up very clearly wanting a different style game.

because 5k gold is so hard to get.

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5K gold was a different time and it was a lot. In 2008/TBC, nobody was numbed by wow tokens and offers of boosts for money. Back then it was between you and gold farmers - and I remember having not much gold. 5K was a huge barrier, 310% mounts were rare and cost money too.

I’ll take Pathfinder. Seriously. It’s just a grind like any other and it’s been getting easier and easier.


I love how people toss out the price of flying back in TBC, as if Blizzard wont jack the price up to the level of what a gold token would be going for now. When your talking spending 300k to 400k per toon across, like myself 40 max level toons, that becomes a lot of gold spent just to fly in a xpac. Yet you compare that to just earning Pathfinder on one toon a year into a xpac and poof across every single toon you have, you now have access to flight (old school flight) without a single gold spent. Yet to earn this achievement you’re not spending a huge amount of time to grind it on out.

I personally rather stick to Pathfinder Achievement as the way to earn old flying than to burn threw gold and paying for flight each xpac on each toon when it hits max level.


5k on one, nope. 5k on 20 plus alts, yeah…and more work than PF. The correct system is in already place

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I have a lot of gold, I’d rather buy flying than suffer through Pathfinder.


I mostly agree. I’d like dragon flying available everywhere but it seems kinda draconian to take old flying away entirely. People like one or the other and shouldn’t be forced to use the style they don’t prefer.

Dragon flying will be a critical issue for me, moving forward. It’s like someone giving you a Corvette and then later taking it away and replacing it with a Ford Focus.


No one can see what is planned for the next xpac yet, but in the back of my mind. I already feel if they keep dragonriding into it in some form. They may also lock it away with old flight behind Pathfinder until half way threw the xpac. But they might surprise me and have it upfront again. I just feel that dragonriding was mainly upfront because Dragonflight was an xpac about dragons so it basically fit the theme to just have it off the bat.


They didn’t say “never”. They actually describe the Pathfinder quests in patch notes.

you earn 15k gold just by leveling alts in dragonflight.

That I can spend on other things then since I won’t be spending it on flying

Hey look, another immature deflection to distract from the fact that you don’t have any proof for your claim.

You are undermining our side of the argument by demanding proof with no proof yourself.

We only have our own opinions on if its good or not and trying to go this route makes us look bad because all actual numbers show this is the lowest selling expansion and the dragon isle zones are not overflowing with players. that is the only evidence any of us can use and it can all be used against flying.


I’m not the one that made the thread and then made assertive claims about dragon riding’s popularity or lack thereof. So yes those people doing that and then turning around and barking at us about “lack of proof” is hypocritical deflection.

“Dragon isle zones are not overflowing with players” is not proof. It’s not even a metrics-based statement. It’s purely “I feel like this is the case”. As for Dragonflight not selling well: assuming it’s true, don’t you think it might have something to do with it coming after the most unsuccessful and controversial expansion in WoW’s history? There is absolutely no basis to attribute the lower sales numbers to dragonriding. In fact that’s especially unlikely because if they haven’t even bought the expansion that means they haven’t tried dragonriding.

Naw, if you demand proof and are not in a position of authority you should provide your own before demanding it of others otherwise you are making yourself look bad. Also, your talking points also apply to your side. You have no evidence or metrics to show anything either and thus this is now just an argument of perspective.

I can find his perspective in proof though via forum searches and all the threads on the topic. Not only do those started about how bad dragon flight is contain more complaints than positive, so do the threads stating its a good mechanic.

Thats the only actual metric there is to go on, but its something. This is why you shouldnt use the demand for evidence trap unless you yourself have some to show you are in the superior position.


Loathe pathfinder and rep grinds

Just give an option to pathfinder or buy it with gold so it becomes another cash shop gold buy shortcut motivation

When I get regular flying I explore the world, it’s relaxing and fun

When I get pathfinder I sit in town and never leave to avoid the annoyance and friction


Ridiculous statement.

Lecturing us about not having proof that dragon riding is disliked is projection i.e. identifying the flaws with your own argument and projecting it onto the opposing side in the hopes that it deflects scrutiny from yours. Extremely dishonest.

There is little evidence that there’s any significant backlash against dragonriding. It’s basically a few obsessive weirdos on general discussion. It generally gets positive reception. For every thread you find about people complaining about dragonriding, I can just find one like the opposite:

(last one OP was against dragon riding but most of the posters and poll results were for it)

Again, it’s only really obsessive cliques on the official general discussion forums that hate it and helicopter hover over every thread/spam new topics against it. This forum tends to attract a type of player that’s extremely resistant to any sort of change. A lot of these same people also went ballistic over the new Dragonflight UI which is an objective improvement over the old one. Don’t pretend forum posts are a good barometer here. It’s skewed towards critical opinions in the first place (because people who are angry are more likely to post than people who are happy) and it’s not like you’ve personally counted all the for v.s. against posts.

Outside of this bubble, Dragon riding is generally a well-received feature. It receives overwhelmingly positive coverage from WoW influencers and Blizzard sees it as such a success that they’re expediting the effort to get dragon riding in all the old continents as well. Compare this to something that was actually extremely controversial and broadly hated i.e. Shadowlands covenants. In that instance it was hard to find any positive coverage at all and within a few months they were compromising to the critics.


Reminder to the haters that this is how Dragonriding is viewed outside of your cliques: