Really? No Flying in next patch?

Yeeeeeeah Dragonriding is not the beloved thing like you want it to be.

I can see why you choose to post the way you do, its easy and requires little thinking to do it.


… wuh?

… huh? Yep, easy.

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I mean you’re also baselessly declaring it to be unpopular. Don’t act like you’re coming in with the hard data and evidence.

Clearly, someone has missed the leisure of enabling auto-run and /afking on those loooooooong flights from one end of a continent to another.

You know, those 10-15 minute flights, where you have time to go to the bio, hostile call your ex and tell them that they are still a window-lickin’ scumbucket. Then go make a sammich…and still have enough time remaining to eat above-referenced sammich before you arrive at your destination.

Can’t do that with Dragonriding, which requires constant positive control. And no…there is no guarantee that you’ll get to your destination any faster. Especially being forced to land to recharge your dragon.

Sources: Mount Hyjal and Highmountain.

Also, I can’t wait to see what this does in zones like Ghostlands & Azure Isle.


Baseless because you are unaware of several of the largest threads in a year all being about wanting old flying, hating dragonflght, not wanting to have to do pathfinder…I will take the FACT the dragon isles are not overrun with everyone coupled with the large amount of complaints about dragonflying as…facts. That you cannot refute with any metrics that say otherwise.

Especially since so many people that are trying to defend how good it is always have to either outright lie, or try to insult/demean anyone that does not like it. Where is your proof cause we got plenty.


“And if you are a minority it is ok to disreguard your needs because i matter and you gross disableds don’t” - Beeples the ableist clown defends abusing minorities


You say you have plenty of proof but the best you can offer is a thread that got 1000 replies in a month and a half. A thread that mostly boils down to an obsessive clique of people who hate dragon riding going ballistic on any passer-by who sides with dragon riding.

You also make a presumption about Dragonflight’s unpopularity, itself without backing, and assert that something you personally dislike must be the cause.

So you’re just building assumption on assumption on assumption, and it all boils down to you not liking dragon riding and assuming everyone else dislikes it as much as you do.

For the record: I’m not saying we can’t criticise anything because measuring the playerbase sentiment for anything is difficult to say the least. But look to something like covenants in SL. The negative reaction was far more one-sided, widespread, and intense than that against dragon riding. You say this 1k post count thread is proof. Well the big “ripcord” thread in SL got over 10k with extensive negative commentary from WoW influencers (those same influencers mostly praise dragon riding). There is very little backing to make a claim that dragon riding is broadly unpopular.

Pretty incredible reading of my post, I must say. Are you listening to yourself? Do you think most readers here will see you in a good light for this?

For the record, I’m not against them adding legacy flying via pathfinder, which seems to be the approach they’re taking. But I do think dragon riding is better because it’s both faster and more engaging and allows for fun side games like the races.

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I agree with some of your points on this… except for this. If you filter out 5-6 posters from that the reply count drops considerably. The original poster timbo was something like 20-30% of the activity.


Most of this topic is just the same hand full of people posting or bumping it over and over again. Its not as popular as it would seem.


Most threads will be like that; a clique of more engaged posters making up most of the thread. The difference is that ripcord thread generated a ton more discussion than this one. Also Timboslice actually came with metrics showing how the covenant system was a failure.

I know. I posted in that thread. He stopped replying to me when I linked him r1 parses with the 2nd or 3rd best covenants, including one of my own.

Or when I explained that his metrics conveniently left out the massive nerfs blizzard pushed in response to spreadsheets created with incorrect sims… posted by the same players that wanted the ripcord pulled.

Excusssssssssssssssssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeee me WHAT?


“Rank one parses including one of my own” on what planet bro

We can agonise over whether it was balanced forever. There were instances where it was more inline and then instances where it was wildly unbalanced. Also I’m not going to blame players for Blizzard’s tuning decisions here; they should have the data and insight to know what’s right.

However the point was that they went out of their way to make switching covenants time-consuming and difficult with lots of catch up required just to chase some intangible goal of “meaningful choice!”, and this was very damaging for the game. In general it’s not a good idea to discourage players from trying new things, and it’s especially bad to lock players into choices that may be drastically retuned.

I guess we are pretending that you did not link the spreadsheet claiming 80% of specs would go kyrian, despite clear evidence from several theorycrafters like archi that warrior was never going kyrian, even pre pel nerf…

Are we pretending that the current design that encourages fotm re-rolling into things like S1 ret or exodia is better?

The thread is still up buddy please locate where you shut me up with cold hard facts.

Then… go look? There really isn’t anything to rehash. We have had these same circular discussions on ap, corruption and covenants.

The search function doesn’t find any of your posts in that thread.

I accept your lack of proof as concession to the topic coupled with your continued dismissal of everything that shows you are wrong so you can continue to repeat the same "points’.

You have no points, they have been refuted with evidence. All you can do is repeat like a troll.


The onus is on you to prove your point? I remember very clearly and know immediately without a shadow of a doubt i wouldn’t have cowered away from your HARD HITTING evidence because it’s garbage.