Really? No Flying in next patch?

I would say as always feedback matters.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


If you don’t understand the example that her complaining does not equate to an “argument” about going to school, there is no help for you.

carry on with your outrage lol.

I am not sure what BlizZard is trying to accomplish.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


adding as many ‘poison pills’ to TBC flying (which they hate) so that people will hopefully give up on it and they can claim ‘see, no one wants to do it, let’s get rid of it’.


Quite shameful really and it shows that BlizZard is still keeping up a war on flight. They can not let it go.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Unless you actually play the game. Then you will have pathfinder done in less that 2 weeks. But no, go ahead. I didn’t mean to interrupt your edgelord tantrum with your clever spelling of blizzard. Continue.


As someone who hasn’t bothered with Renown grinding, I can’t really bring myself to care to grind it knowing that it’s a requirement for PF. PF to me seems like a chore list for the sake of having a chore list.

Now, instead of flying the way I would prefer to (DR is too fast and not as free as TBC flying) I have to do a chore list? Hard pass. Maybe Blizzard wants people to just quit for a few years, then when they drop PF the content is no longer relevant? I don’t quite understand the logic.

The only logical explanation I can come to is that they’re still hurt over not being able to remove flying all together, and what really baffles me is that DR is flight. So what exactly are we harming if we have the old style of flying? We can already skip over everything and ignore the scenery anyways…


Which is why they attach as many poison pills as possible hoping people give up on TBC flying.

Very sinister actually.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


One would figure with all of the services on the shop, that they put PF on there so you could just buy TBC flying with real money.

Makes me wonder how many people would buy it.


Nothing would surprise me anymore to be honest.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


I think the only “innovation” they’re likely to do is to quietly nuke the speed or the stamina regen little by little so we don’t realize how much slower we’re flying. And eventually just remove it like they did to the water strider and other qol changes they’ve reversed

They’re doing the opposite of the Water Strider, which they nerfed and made into equipment so that anyone could use the ground mount they wanted because everyone was just using that one mount.

With DR they’re opening it up to a lot more mounts.

I think you meant to say “Unless you actually play the way that I play.”
I got 6 characters to level 70 and my highest DF renown is level 13…across all characters. Not all of us are doing garbage dailies or cooking soup every couple hours.


Have you considered that it’s not disliked by many and you’re just in a vocal minority?

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Have you considered that it’s not liked by many and you’re just in a vocal minority?

:clown_face: :crazy_face: :clown_face: :person_shrugging:


No, it’s pretty popular actually

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Clearly, of the 3-4 million subscribers, most are in the dragonisles flyi…I cant even finish that big lie lol…


Yeeeeeeah Dragonriding is not the downfall of WoW like you want it to be


they lost and they cannot accepted it.