Really? No Flying in next patch?

Sheesh, better get rid of ranged attacks and aggro dumps, too, 'cause there’s no difference unless the boss just constantly dumps 120yd AoEs.

Nah the worst thing the old devs ever did was to add PvP to the game

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It’s warcraft not dungeoncraft

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Yes no flying in the emerald dream. There is nothing wrong with this. I have a few new ground mounts I’m waiting to use.

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What are you talking about… there’s flying in the Emerald Dream?

I could have sworn I read somewhere that there was no flying in it but I guess I was wrong.

I’ve been on the PTR and dragonriding works and I assume normal flight will too with Pathfinder.

Please do this Blizz, if you are going to require Pathfinder for regular flying, then gate Dragonriding in the same way in the new zone, it’s the only way to make it fair for everyone right away.


I’ve got a lot of cool flying mounts I’m looking forward to using. Glad to hear we’re gonna get that :slight_smile:


My druid doesn’t feel quite like a druid. Before I would transform into a bird and fly away, now I shapeshift into normal form and mount a dragon…dont likey.

Bird form might as well be a turkey or chicken.


If they are not going to put “old flying” in DF, then there should be no dragon riding in the old world except for the cup races.

There are some people (me included) who for medical or other reasons can’t or don’t do well dragon riding. I have a medical issue due to a severe ear infection from years ago that causes me to get violently nauseated whenever I see anything spinning or moving fast. I am one of those people who use flightpaths and ground mounts more often than not.

There are people who still play that have medical issues (arthritis or other debilitating hand/wrist problems) that prevents them from dragon riding. I can’t for the life of me figure out why those of us who do have issues can’t have “old flying” in DF.


If you don’t like it, don’t do it. Some of us still like it, and some prefer it.


It is just all the same tired old no flying argument. Part of me wonders if they are doing this just to see the world burn.


I say having both options would be best for everyone.


for one DFing is WAY better imo. and for two in 10.2 u can unlock pathfinding to use reg mounts in DF. I’d much rather they unlock DFing for old world content.

There is no argument.

people complaining about having to play the game is not an argument, it’s just people complaining.

My daughter complains about having to go to school every day too.

So, because your daughter complains about going to school every day, people have no right to complain about having to grind to get something that is essentially already available?

Not quite following that logic there.


There is a Pathfinder acheivement on the 10.2 PTR that is still there, so this thread is clickbait. Old-school flying will be made available to people once they’ve completed it.

They know it’s available soon… they are just trying to get out of doing PF, which has been the norm for 10 plus years.

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The truth is that they are afraid of letting people choose so they attach so many time gates, requirements and achievements to just unlock TBC flying while DR is handed to you within an hour of game play.

Meanwhile they sell mounts in the store that are most suitable for TBC flying and not DR.

Clown world indeed.

Some people aka BlizZard rather watch everything go up in flames. A missed good will opportunity especially those with disabilities or health conditions.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman: