Really? No Flying in next patch?

Oh I know they would, they seem to hate old flying for some reason, and will do anything they can to kill it. I’ve come to the conclusion they want players to play a certain way and if you don’t like that way, be prepared to have to jump through numerous hoops because how dare you don’t play our way.


Looking at the meta achievement it still says 15 renown, including the new rep. Please remove this and it would be tolerable


LOL, that’s not an “extremist.”

Finaly can play druid and monk to full potential

OK so you just want to argue no matter what anyone says… got it. I’m out. :wave: :wave:

Not at all.

Well, would you be happy with the BC plain flying that was the same speed as the slow ground mounts?

I know I would

Simply being able to fly over annoying terrain obstacles and random packs of mobs is worth it even if the “basic” flying was only ground mount speed (+100%)

Convenience is king imo

…even if “basic” flying was like half the speed of a ground mount (+50%), I would still prefer it lol

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This argument the “you disabled people don’t get to fly” types try to use irritates me so bad


So annoying they are forcing people to do pathfinder again to unlock something everyone who CAN dragonride got from day 1 no strings attached.


Its ion’s own little personal war. In wod it was his dream to remove flying forever so he could get even lazier with the world design but the players bucked back so hard the CEO rubbed Ion’s nose in the mess he made on the floor and forced him to change it back… birthing pathfinder and all his petty little year waits to get pathfinder unlocked with lengthy annoying questlines and achievements.

They don’t call him
Ion Has Cost Us
For nothing


Actually in BC the plain flying was 60%, same as the level 40 riding, and the upgraded ground mounts were 100%.

Was more commenting to the person who thought it was dishonest of me to mention how expensive the faster flying was back then, more as a point that I prefer the pathfinder system over gold sink (I’m not good at getting gold, and I like that pathfinder just applies automatically to all my alts as soon as I get it)


I’m just saying, that your argument is somewhat disingenuous by ignoring the cost of normal flying regardless of the speed. Epic flying was an upgrade to regular flying speed. The fact you framed your argument of the gold cost around epic flying comes off as being a bit dishonest about the actual cost of flying. Epic was a massive gold sink, and as I also pointed out, as time went on flying cost was made more and more trivial, look at MoP, 2500 gold which you most likely made while leveling.

Why not have both a gold option, and Pathfinder, there now everyone is happy, suck at getting gold, do Pathfinder, gold not an issue, buy it.


So much agreed. I want my good old regular TBC to Shadowlands style flying. Three major reasons:

  1. Cruise control, via numlock autorun.

  2. Hover, no need to constantly tap buttons to stay afloat.

  3. No need to constantly dip up or down to stay afloat or gain speed. You just fly.


Because it was always free…
Considering you do turn into a bird it does make sense.

Op is right and the blue post should get downvoted. Pathfinder is wrong. Just because you want a retention metric doesnt mean bs like this is ok


Im Glad it has not been finalized. Everything is fine but the Renown part 100% needs to be removed. Everything else makes total sense. Locking out people behind a rep gate has been the biggest complaint of Pathfinder in the past


Requiring a “Pathfinder” achievement to unlock regular flying was understandable when previous expansions kept us grounded for a while, but it’s is nonsensical when we’ve been able to fly since the start of Dragonflight; it seems more petty on Blizzard’s part than a gameplay-oriented goal.


The requirements punish too many players returning and those with disabilities.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:




bruh playing fury these days gives you hand/finger problems anyways. safe to say no they probs do not care.