Really? No Flying in next patch?

Thanks for proving my point.

The real question is when are all those other drakes and protodrakes in my mount tab going to be able to fly “dragonriding style”?

Honestly I’ve seen more of that behavior from the anti-dragonriding crowd…kinda like pro-vaccine.

It proved the opposite actually. Im still waiting on the proof of me making fun of people :dracthyr_shrug:

I see the exact opposite. All we want is a choice a lot of the pro-dragonriding crowd seems to want everyone to have no choice but to use dragonriding. Much like the pro-vaccine people.


This is something you should not be able to do. Taking the risk out of exploring is bad.

Hovering over a spawn point or an event and just dropping in at the last minute to get the rewards is a disgusting way to play the game and any mechanic that enables it should be removed from the game

Yeah, I still don’t “get” their side/strange anti-flying arguments either. Seems illogical for them to be sooooo upset about something that literally doesn’t affect them :thinking:

  • when 10.2 hits, they will not need to lift a finger or even “do” anything… they’ll just continue Dragonriding as usual
  • regular flying is 100% optional, so no source of contention there either (Dragonriding fanboys will not be “forced” to use regular flying the same way we’re currently “forced” to use Dragonriding)
  • there is no “unfair advantage” from regular flying, since Dragonriding mounts are faster
  • someone afk-hovering in a major city or out in the open world does not affect them
  • someone setting their flying mount to “autorun” on a long trip from point A to point B then afking for a bathroom break and such does not affect them
  • …and the list goes on

On the other hand, Dragonriding being “forced” upon regular flyers/pro-flyers does affect people who prefer regular flying in various ways as has already been described throughout the thread


While most have the renown for pathfinder already. Having to unlock it like that is pointless. I prefer dragonriding it is faster. Just have it be a simple quest like dragonriding. We grind enough crap. The grind isn’t dead. 50 different currencies, gear, renown, mats, honor, conquest etc etc.

See this is what I’m talking about, lol.

You’re creating a battle where this is none except for the confirmation bias in your own mind.

Seriously… I not creating anything. I only responded to your comment in which you used the term “anti-dragonriding crowd”. So if I’m “creating a battle” then so are you.

But there is no reason for a battle. Regular flight is in 10.2 it’s already on the PTR so in my opinion both sides should let this go and be happy most of us are getting what we want. The only ones who aren’t are the extremist who want normal flight removed. Bur this is GD so that’s not likely to happen.

doesn’t exist

You mean like this one who got set straight by a Dev? There are definitely a few.


I don’t think they have anything other to say other than making accusations and gaslighting.

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I completely disagree with the “forced” opinion. It was one of the main highlights from the xpac trailer as one the big features. So it makes sense dragonriding would be front and center.
And where I disagree with the forced thought… We got flying day one when normally we’d be stuck on the ground. So forced is the wrong choice in words when we’d otherwise have nothing. It’s also looking at the glass half empty vs half full.

They are also catering to more casual players as well with how pathfinder is this time around.
You don’t need maxed reps, all previous required exalted. You don’t need x mount of rares or silly treasure collecting. It’s do the campaign. Get reps to 15 (most that is only halfway to max). Explore the map. Done.

Most already have this done. The only thing we all have to do when the patch is live is the new rep. It doesn’t even require you to do the new zones quests or anything.

Horror flashbacks to loremastering suramar and that painful rep grind… or parkouring around trying to gather enough wod treasures… I for one am happy for the change and I don’t consider myself a casual at all.

But other than the thought of it being forced, I agree with everything else you said :stuck_out_tongue:

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Gee I must have been raking in gold back in BC etc I bought epic flying on at last 5 toons back then along with multiple copies of mounts as they where not account bound they where per character.

Yeah, you were XD

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He is using a slightly disingenuous argument by bringing up epic flying, since normal flying wasn’t 5k. Besides, as time went on the cost of flying for each expansions flight training became more and more trivial. MoP was what, 2500 which you made while leveling. So the argument that flying would have to be expensive is a poor one.

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Have to? No.

Would the devs make it super expensive in place of Pathfinder? Absolutely.

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I haven’t even had to think of old flying this entire expansion. I’ve been so content with dragon riding.

Hope it works for you though

Good. I’m tired of dragonriding tbh.

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