Really? No Flying in next patch?

This is where I am a big advocate for them to implement the dragonflying system with old mounts.

How Ironic, to avoid being forced to use dragon riding, you will have to do dragon riding… Go Ion!!!

I can tell you really don’t do any fast paced open world questing. You can blow through that bar of velocity very quick when you need to take off, flap, land, and do it again quickly, and then even think about going back to a high up city.

Dragon riding is just a dumb novelty idea for the expansion, and really shows how ignorant Ion and his followers are in regards to how serious people take their mounts. Using the same 4 mounts with pastel color items for an entire expansion is beyond ignorant.


That’s the thing, we WON’T know until basically the end of the expansion since only 1 option is currently available (Dragonriding) :joy: And it will also take some time for people to grind out 15 renown with the Emerald Dream people

I bet if both flying options had been available from the start, large swathes of the playerbase would be using regular flying right about now. Maybe for like a really really long flight (say, Iskaara city to Forbidden Reach) or Dragonrace WQs that literally require it, people would still use the Dragon mounts

This “well, everyone is using Dragon mounts so it seems it’s more popular” is a flawed argument since the “option 2” literally isn’t available yet lol

When there’s only 1 option available, of course it’s going to seem more popular (:man_facepalming:) as even the folks that don’t like it end up using it for lack of an alternative

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I guess you didn’t play classic if you think it had 310 flying speed.

Except for the many people who quit over this issue. If you pretend people who don’t like something don’t count, then you can pretend it is univerally popular, too.


are you trolling? because old flying is returning in 10.2 via pathfinder achiev again. Please research before you spew false info.

Imagine quitting the game for not liking the super fast dragonriding flying. Absolutely amazing. But please, keep your slow 310 speed if you want, LOL. the choice will be ours in 10.2.

Old flying will be great for gathering to not have to worry about the dragonriding mechanics and stuff, that’s about it. I’ll race you … see how much people like 310 over 800 any day hahaha

This whole thing is such BS. All of this crap against flight because the devs had a temper tantrum because people said no to taking flying away in garbage expansion from almost a decade ago

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I’m done with everything that is released. Ofc one has to do exploration and some renown. Point being it was in readily easy to be finished to where you could be at this point.

No matter the game, any time there is change. If something is added, removed or just simply changed. You will find people who will disagree with it and dislike it. Some will quit and some will refuse to interact with the change the best they can.

It doesn’t mean that the change is bad for the game or that it needs to be reversed just because some of the games players are upset with it.

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Imagine quitting the game because travel has been made inaccessible to you. The people who were unable to play much of the game played a lot less or stopped altogether while waiting for normal flight to come back. Little did they know that pathfinder requirement were designed to be especially difficult for people who had trouble with dragonriding in the first place.

So, did you win? What did you win? I was considering buying the expansion, but I am less likely to now.

Actually, every change that results in a loss of players is bad for the game and was a mistake. Designing changes to inconvenience the disabled is a bad look. The game is supposed to be for profit, not somebody’s vanity project that doesn’t matter if it sells or not. Blizzard has an obligation to their investors to maximize profits. Making changes that send away customers is not part of that equation.

Not true, you’re never going to please everyone. You’re always going to have people leave. You try new things out to get new people to come into a game to replace those who leave and to keep the game with fresh idea’s of game play.

really? i find the old flight so stale and love dragon riding.

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So you’d rather be forced to try and land(unsuccessfully) on a 3 foot by 3 foot pinprick of rock while moving at ridiculously high speeds rather than doing it first try at a lower speed?


Literally not a thing, even before we got the air brake ability practicing made this a non-issue.

Transportation should not require practice.


It literally IS a thing. It has happened to me COUNTLESS times. Quit lying.


Thank you.

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Also, There have been several times where I’ve been completely incapable of getting a good enough angle to reach said nodes due to the high speed. Faster is NOT always better.