Really? No Flying in next patch?

old flying is a product of a bygone age. if you want that old clunky 310 speed, classic is right there waiting for you. dragonriding is one of the most popular changes wow has made in a LOOOOOOOONG time

Sometimes reading the forums I feel like the last person who enjoys dragonriding over regular flight. It is engaging, it forces you to actually play (flight path for your coffee breaks), and it is actually way faster than regular flight.

I just wish we could do it in old world.

The problem is making all flying mounts able to do it, I think. I think they could but horses and carpets and planes might just need their standard animations with wing trails to suggest momentum.


I dont really have any data to back this up but i think most people prefer dragonriding over old flight. It seems to be a small minority of people who actually dont like it.

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Why would I play trash like Classic when I can play the actual good version that I’ve always played and have the type of flight I prefer… it’s a win-win. :person_facepalming: :rofl:

You’re right there isn’t any data especially since only a small % of players come to the forums. And that number seems to be shrinking which doesn’t surprise me with the attitudes of a lot of people here.

I would be curious to see the data if there was any real data. Maybe dragonriding is as popular as some people think of maybe not… we’ll likely never know.

I’m just happy to have normal flight in 10.2.

No. People want both options.

Yeah most likely. I’m not sure what that has to do with what I said though.

dragonflying is like 4x faster than regular flying, what possible reason would anyone want to keep old flying?
If you want to afk fly just take a flightpath

To use more than the same five mounts everyone else is using? Mounts for which flappydragon mechanics might make no sense?


Ugh…why Pathfinder??? Screw Pathfinder. It’s not cool, it’s not fun, it’s not interesting. It’s annoying.

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Pathfinder since it came out, never has been like a big deal or issue to me. I just do it and be done with it.


I think locking it behind pathfinder is a great idea, actually.

Imagine you’re out there flying and you see someone on an old flying mount. Imagine how you’d feel as you take it in, the glorious sight of such a dedicated player.

Overwhelmed, in a haze, you press whirling surge. You follow their body hurtling helplessly towards the ground, and as it lands towards the final result of all the hard work spent towards unlocking the privilege of using the mounts of eld, you shed a tear as you thank them for providing you with such a glorious moment of schadenfreude.

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I would prefer not having it but no it’s not a big deal to me.

This is a good reminder for me to go back to ZC again this week and try to work on some more rep.

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Same for me it’s the only renown I don’t have at 15+ but I’m almost halfway to 14.

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LOL. Pathfinder makes a return. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Good grief. I prefer regular flying, hands down, but pathfinder?! AGAIN. :woman_facepalming:


Nice! I’m barely into 13. Had to armory myself and all I’m wearing is my Elunies!(Elune undies) :bear:

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I didn’t think about that I logged in to check. :person_facepalming: :rofl:

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And it will be removed in future expansions.

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Pathfinder would be cool if it was an optional achievement for world content that gave a nice mount as a reward, along with unlocking flying for your whole account, whereas flying could still be bought at max for a large sum of gold, which is a single unlock per character only.

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