Really? No Flying in next patch?

Rarely. Smart pathing is your friend.

Explain? I did plenty of world pvp. My hunter had a head in the bag for hours on end and Grand Marshal. I can’t think of many times where flying made pvp impossible. I think you mean by the fact that everybody was just flying JUST out of range to be hit…thats fine, but most people didn’t do that. They loved the challenge. It’s why they signed up for world pvp in the first place.
A handful of people, being overly vocal about their issue…Thats what you described.
We need to stop doing that with this game. Listening to them is what got us the pointless version where we had to unlock flight by doing basically everything the expansion had to do. It never made sense. By the time I got to legion, even they had heard of me. They were already calling me Champion before they ever even met me. Why did we need to rep grind with people who already called us a champion? IT made no sense.

Listening to the super-minority never leads anywhere positive because its sure to be an extreme take on what they believe in.

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I don’t think we played the same game, on the same planet, in the same universe, because in the game I played people chickened out 24/7 on flying mounts, only landing if they were outnumbering their opponents 5 to 1.

Will this also allow Dragon Riding mounts to fly outside the dragon isles?

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That’s so lame and makes no logical sense

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Pathfinder has nothing to do with dragonriding. :person_facepalming: They are working on making some mounts usable with dragonriding just not in 10.2 as far as they have said.

This whole debate regarding regular flying vs Dragonriding reminds me of automatic cars vs manual cars

Some people (…enthusiast/min-maxer/street-racer types mostly) prefer a manual car for the increased speed/performance they offer, while other more casual users are perfectly happy with an automatic transmission-equipped car as their everyday vehicle for the convenience, even if it’s slower/not as peppy

For me, I drive an automatic car in real-life… I just don’t want to deal with all the added “extra steps” (…aka Dragonriding) or “hassle” of driving a manual car - such as constantly messing with a clutch pedal, being careful not to accidentally stall out, taking special precautions on hills, etc. For me I just want to turn the ignition key, put it in “D”, and go about my day/run my errands/do my store trips/etc, I just want to get in and go (aka regular flying)

Now, both types of vehicle are just a means to get from point A to point B, it’s only the preferences of the drivers (aka the players) that differ.


I don’t mean it should bring dragon riding to all of Azeroth, just that dragonriding mounts should be able to fly outside of the Dragon Isles.

They have the animations in the game for them to use regular flying. If you die in the Dragon Isles the graveyard dragon flies like a regular flying mount.

It’s kind of silly we would still have to use 2 separate mounts if we want to use a dragon riding mount after pathfinder.


I hadn’t thought about it that way. :thinking: I can see taking longer to convert some normal mounts to use dragonriding but I see your point. Dragonriding mounts should be able to at least fly in old zones.

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dragonriding is best thing ever, i think you hate it cuz it takes SKILL

Wrong, take some time to read some of the earlier posts explaining the pro-flying side

People dislike it because it essentially turned flying into a “mini-game” that requires constant attention to maintain (…whereas regular flying is “automatic” and requires 0 work from the player), it has no “hover in place” functionality, and it’s not very user-friendly for folks with accessibility/disability issues, among other things


This is the best feature of dragonriding imo.

The people who need this because of physical or visual limitations aren’t going to be getting KSH. They aren’t going to get AotC unless they buy it. They aren’t going to be getting a high PvP rank in Ion’s currently deflated ranking system that has caused PvP participation to circle the drain because of the inability of serious players to reach those levels.

Why are you so mad at people who struggle with struggle with visual or mobility impairments that you feel the need to mock them and say disabled people are lazy for not having chosen to be able bodied like you think you did?

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DF zones were built a certain way for a reason.

Stand on top of a mountain, lol.

DF zones were designed to make the use of dragonriding necessary to reach required content. Blizzard did not take into account that this would make reaching that content less accessible to people who should have been expected to have trouble with it. Or maybe they figured those people would get over it and stop hiding behind their disability.

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This is why I said multiple way to get it - and listed some example. The hole point of my post was that there should be multiple ways to get pathfinder, all that can come naturally via different ways of playing the game.

There are of course ways that could be thought of that could be more accessible.

That’s an apt analogy because driving a manual (I drive one because they’re common here in France and they’re cheaper) very quickly becomes second nature to the point that you’re doing everything without having to think about it, so it quickly becomes very easy.

It’s also an inept analogy because dragonriding, to go from a to b, requires much less intervention than driving a manual car and barely more than regular wow flying.

You may have gotten any or all of those things naturally by playing the game during this expansion as content was released. But at this point of the expansion, for a new or returning player, what has to be done is no longer how anyone plays the game.

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