Really? No Flying in next patch?

Why? And you’re free to be wrong.


I believe it brings a certain level of challenge back to the game. Makes resources a tad more difficult when you have to manage your flight and such.

Having a different opinion doesn’t mean wrong. Only the narrow minded and ignorant think that way. Are you narrow minded and ignorant?

Seeing all this complaining makes me hope they make dragon-riding the new standard and remove old flying.

Having a different opinion is fine. Wanting something that cause difficulty for people who have physical issues with dragonriding is not.

Good thing we know that isn’t going to happen. :rofl:


any plans to give Druids a Dragonriding form?


I see no reason not to have both types of flying activated.

Dragonriding is def here to stay though. It’s One of the best improvements they’ve made to the game. I’ve never spent less time afk on flight paths and it’s great. Actually travelling places frequently on your mount is awesome and causes a lot of extra time out in the world.

Add hover mode option to dragonriding so people can afk in the air indefinitely.

I think it has been said ad nausem at this point, but, either option should be available from the get-go or when you unlock either one. I get that Blizzard wanted everyone to try out Dragonflight and use it for awhile so they can solidify their opinion on the new mode of transportation. But going forward, there isn’t a reason to do so. It isn’t a ‘reward’ to get things stripped from you and forced to gain it over and over. We did this with borrowed power, and that felt bad.


I second this!


That seems to be a pretty common complaint about pathfinder this time around. That if anyone has issues with dragon riding, like motion sickness or motor function issues, then they’re completely excluded from pathfinder, I believe.


Should all game producers include systems or mechanics to the game for certain people knowing that it will possibly ruin something good they have done? If you are using that logic, why dont we just give away more free gold because people have families and cannot play as often. Or maybe they should spend hundreds of thousands developing a specific keyboard to deliver along with the game for people whom have arthritis or other physically debilitating issues? Wait, I have carpel tunnel, and I dont place those demands. Why? Because while unfortunate, that isn’t something they can control and I dont expect them to cater, because that is rediculous. If every game and movie producer did so due to either illnesses or physical disabilities, it would be a game the majority wouldnt play, or a movie they wouldnt watch. Why? Because it detracts from their original vision and project, when the majority is how they make their profits, how they pay their employees, etc. It isn’t that I don’t sympathize with people whom have disabilities and such. I do. But no one can cater to everyone, nor should they be forced to, especially if it degrades the quality of their service or product.

Irrelevant since the problem is being fixed in 10.2 you simply don’t like how it’s being fixed.

Dragon riding imo is amazing. I hope they bring it to the entire world. it’s so hard to go back once you’ve tried it. but yeah I guess having regular flying would be nice too in the charizard land


Its only irrelevant because you dislike my viewpoint, which, is a terrible way to debate or argue. Makes you look very uneducated and biased, just saying. But hey, to each their own. Enough time has been wasted upon speaking to a wall. Have a nice life.

“Enough time has been wasted upon speaking to a wall.” On that we agree 100%.

You being the wall, guess you didnt get that. Having to clarify that only makes it more annoying.

You mean like the wall (you) needing to have the last word. Feel free to reply and do just that I’m out. :wave: :wave:

I want to be able to fly by farting, just constantly farting, kind of like a rocket but with better/stinkier gas milage. I know my character can do it.

oh? I am gonna take a leap here and just say it: you are not a hard core double gatherer.

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Most alts I’ve made post-2012 are mining/herbs

and you can honestly state, from mining ores and picking herbs, u have never run out of stamina while dragonriding?
