Really? No Flying in next patch?

It also tends to smack of “anyone that does not agree with me is an idiot” there are those that think DR is the better way to fly, there are those that think old flight is better, it all comes down to personal preference.

I am not one that think normal flight should be removed entirely, but at the same time any comments like old flight being “true flight”, “good flight” etc just makes me feel that those advocating for normal flight want DR removed.

Both old flight and DR are real forms of flight, old being more akin to helicopter o humming bird while DR is more akin to a bird of pray or an airplane. Personally, I’d likely fall into the camp that uses DR to get to places fast and old flight when I need to AFK or am doing a lot of smaller flights to gather or quest in an area like the gnoll camp.


I didn’t get them all at first either - I don’t feel I missed out on anything. I think collecting all of them off the bat would have ruined my immersion and probably made me quit especially if I was using a guide.

After I hit level cap on day two I went around and collected as many as I could find but didn’t actually get them all until the raid released

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Agree completely. I don’t want either one removed some people like one some people like the other. There’s a place for both to happily coexist so people can choose what’s best for them.

I HATE M+ with a fiery passion but I know tons of people love it so I would seriously ask for it to be removed. I mostly ignore parts of the game I don’t like. :person_gesturing_no:


Come 10.2 there will be both styles of flying in Dragonflight. That is the bottom line.

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Should be both flying everywhere me personally I like old flying if I need to take a short break and want to just hover in the air. But also like Dragonriding but would like both options for situations.


There is no reason, in this universe nor any other, where there is any valid reason to not
have flight available on Launch Day of an Expansion. No loremaster, no grind no anything. Just a good ol gold sink like before, or the current version where you just learn it.
Also no reason why we can’t, simultaneously, have “Classic” Flight alongside Dragonriding both in the old world and in Dragonflight.

I have never, ever even once, seen a genuinely good argument against flight. Its always some childish nonsense like “muh immersion”…if anything, seeing other people flying around made me want flying even more. Seeing other people made me feel like those people flying around were epic legendary heroes, Defenders of Azeroth…Champions.
Not any old fool can fly, only the elite legends…not because of the gold sink, but because it unlocked at max level and was fun and unique compared to any other game at the time.

There is nothing immersion breaking about flight, you are just salty that some nitwit came in and rudely stole your ore node 0.0001 second before you did.
But guess what? They fixed nodes real quick once the complaints actually rolled in.
Oh, and the other one is the one I hear from the devs which amounts to “our bosses are more worried about their wallets as opposed to making a good product, even if a better product would get them better wallets…” or even worse is when it translates into “we were too lazy to bother, so deal with it and pay us a sub fee”

None of that is happening right now. Dragonriding can be introduced to the old world.
Classic Flying can be added into Dragonflight.
That’s the one that really confused me. Flight isn’t hard for them to actually impliment…they have been doing it for longer than they haven’t…
So why is there no Classic Flight coming to Dragonflight? did the drakes suddenly forget how to hover? Did Incincible suddenly become detected? No, he’s still Invincible like John Cena, just how it should be.

I challenge anybody to present a genuine case to NOT have BOTH kinds of flying in all of World of Warcraft (obviously not the classic servers, those are just fine as they are, obviously since more people play there than here lol)


I think they just need to maybe make regular flying a bit faster. Maybe make it the same speed as our Dragonriding is when we are at a 45 degree angle without any speed boosts. just the speed you go naturally at that angle while dragonriding. So not max, because Dragonriding IS different, but also not as slow as it is currently.

Your right but, sad they wont even read this really lol.

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This is the only thing I disagree with you on and I think it actually hurts the case for normal flight. Normal flight speed should stay as it is.


It made world pvp virtually impossible. Thankfully dragonriding fixes that.

That’s still not a good argument IMO.


It had no effect either people have Warmode on or they don’t. :rofl: :rofl:

Even if it did have an effect that will be gone in 10.2. :person_gesturing_no:

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I wasn’t talking about enabling warmode, I was talking about world pvp actually happening, instead of everyone chickening out on flying mounts.

Again, not a problem now anyway.

I respect your right to be spectacularly wrong.

It never was a problem if people don’t want to do wPvP they aren’t going to.


You know who is flying? THE EAGLES!

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Your opinion is noted.

I’ll begin disregarding it immediately.


Oh I did, just sounds like a complaint from someone who “doesnt enjoy” the dragon riding mechanic.

He was referring to the fact that we are getting Normal flight in 10.2 and the people who don’t like dragonriding will no longer have to deal with it.

I personally believe they should leave normal flying out of the dragon isles.