Really? No Flying in next patch?

Never said that at all because it’s not the same. I much prefer normal flying but nothing was taken away. If dragonriding didn’t exist we would’ve still had to do something to earn flying in DF same as it always has been.

Even as someone who dislikes dragonriding I agree. Give people the option to choose between dragonriding and normal flying in ALL zones old and new. And yes normal flight speed should remain as it is.


wow and did Microsoft flight simulator invent the concept of an airplane


Yeah that whole “flying mechanic” comment was just ridiculous.


It actually is the same, you removed the context of what I was replying to. There is no expansion that required us to have to pay an obscene amount to be able to fly again and this expansion gave us dragonriding for free.


Cant tell if trolling or stupid. GW2 invented this flying mechanic and you tossing in random other things is not changing that. Perhaps now you can mention that birds have been flying for millions of years and thus Dragonflights new flying mechanic cannot be from Guild Wars 2.


I love how people make up statistics to prove a thing that cannot be proven. This is the lowest selling expansion in WoWs history, how can the majority be fine with it? Yeah, go away you are just proving those fighting so hard for this mechanic to be loved have no argument at all.


Its the lowest selling xpac because of how people felt burned by the past xpac like shadowlands and BFA to the point people just turned their back on WoW period. Has nothing to do with dragonriding.


The original “joust” game did it long ago.

you seem to be confusing “the place i first saw X” with “the first occurrence of X”

Yes, that’s also correct. birds did not get the idea for flight by playing a video game

The original joust was a side scroller and no it did not have dive for speed increase and vigor to limit flying by considering a flap of wings as a way to make a mount tired. This is nonsense on your part to try to defend a horrible flying system.

The desperation is laughable.


okay, i’m convinced. i’m going to write an angry letter to the makers of “grand theft auto” to yell at them for inventing the idea of crime


ironic and hypocritical that you would say this, because you’ve been crying incessantly on these forums since DF released about the flying and UI changes.

your real problem is that you just can’t handle change, and you can’t stand the thought of people evolving while you refuse to.


Because it just is not possible to not like the new system which has been done before in other games. All you did was prove his point and your ending statement actually applies to you. You just plain cannot handle the fact that people do not like a lesser system of flying.

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I hate dragonriding with a burning passion, it’s making me hate the Dragon Isles. I just came back to WoW…bought DragonFlight like 3 days before the sale started. My dragon is drunk and needs to go home. I play on a laptop, like I have for the past 20 years or so, and dragonriding isn’t good on a laptop touchpad. I want regular flying so I can maybe DO the content - I’m up to Thal/Forbidden Reach and I don’t want to play it anymore because of the required dragonriding. I’ve walked or used a ground mount everywhere else. My highest renown, from doing the content, is 5. Normal flight should have a quest to unlock it, same as dragonriding did. Keep Pathfinder and it’s reward, I’d totally do it - I love achievements - but locking normal flying behind it for THIS expac is horrible. And it’s just straight up unfair.


Dude, it’s always been a gold paywall since TBC when flying was first added, there would be nothing “new” about just making it purchaseable with gold again…

If they took a current/2023 poll of the playerbase with the question “would you rather have flying locked behind Pathfinder or locked behind a gold price?”, I guarantee the vast majority of players would vote for the gold option :100:

Literally the only way the Pathfinder poll option could possibly win the poll is if there’s widespread voter fraud since these forums are not “1 vote per account” and sockpuppets/forum alts are allowed to pad polls with additional votes


Or a 3rd option of gold for single toons, PF for account wide. Keep in mind this is from one that usually has most, if not all but the recent PF requirements done by the patch flight is unlocked and has a lot of characters that a “one stop shop” for flight is a god send.


Again…what was the context of what I was replying to? Why would we suddenly have to pay a crazy high (100-200k gold) to be able to get the old way to fly just because a new one was introduced and would be something only someone would want if they hate the new system…jesus people, stop arguing in such desperation to try to defend a thing people do not like.

The new flying sucks. Period and those that hate it should not have to be punished with an insane price to be able to fly the good way again.


lmao the projection

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guy who posts three replies in a row: stop arguing in desperation

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Raging about dragonriding isn’t accomplishing anything since it isn’t going away it’s just making you look as extreme as the anti normal flying crowd. We’re getting normal flight and we’re not going to be paying 100-200k gold.

Calm down and be happy we’re normal flight in 10.2 I know I am.