Really? No Flying in next patch?

No one is forcing you to use it


I just posted about my first experience with this new flying yesterday after a long break from the game. Its bad enough that I will not be staying once im done with the story. It is completely unfun as a main travel and should have been used for adding a new style of occasional play. As is, I do not like the new expansion zones at all. Guild Wars 2’s flying mounts were terrible and all Blizzard did was steal their ideas and make them even worse.

Seriously folks, they gave us DRAGONS and they cannot even fly better than the flying mounts we have had for over 10 years. This is not an improvement and makes dragons look bad lol. They should have made it so vigor was the speed boost to the old style of flying mounts so dragons could be viewed as being masters of the sky instead of things so WEAK they need to take a 2 minute rest on the ground because they flapped their wings 2-4 times.


…it’s actually 16 years now, lol

Talk about “reinventing the wheel” :rofl:


Stick around for TBC flying is around the corner so do not despair.

Ride the wave of hype. DF will go from a dead ghost down expansion to an explosion of hustle and bustle as people return from the exile with TBC flying coming back!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Eh, I don’t think it’ll cause a big resub wave since flying is just a minor feature of an expansion. It’s not really a “make or break” thing for the average player like good/fun content is

Personally I’ll probably be playing more once proper flying is (re)released


I think BE customizations will drive people to come back in droves along with the return of TBC flying.

Just my educated guess.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


To be honest I think the slew of new Druid customizations will work better as “sub bait” since some of those skins/appearances look PRETTY good

(glances over at new werebear skins :drooling_face:)

But then again Blood Elfs are pretty popular with the playerbase (…especially female BEs), so who knows


For real though, assuming dragonflying is the new norm going forward in future expansions can we please get rid of this useless dated pathfinder requirement and just have normal flying unlock from the very start of the next expansion please, as a druid main I do not like missing out on my flying form.


They “got it right” back in 2007 :joy: - back then they just gold-locked flying behind a somewhat steep paywall, with no other requirements/strings attached other than being 70… 800-1000 gold for basic flying (I think), 4500-5000 gold for “the good stuff” or fast flying. And back then ~5000 gold was considered “a lot” for the average player

Plot twist: the game didn’t “die” and the community/social aspect circa 2007-2010 was still quite healthy despite the doomsayer’s/anti-flyer’s claims otherwise :man_shrugging:

I can see it working again from day 1 in the next expansion, maybe if they just set the “paywall” as something appropriately high to match modern gold inflation. If 4500-5000 was considered “a lot of gold” back in 2007, then perhaps they could make the flying unlock like 100k-200k gold to account for gold inflation since then

WoW tokens would receive a tenporary, SHARP increase in sales in the very first week of launch, for obvious reasons (no one wants to slog thru annoying ground-based mobs all day, get constantly dazed, etc) :rofl:


Right, make us pay to get back what we already had…that should bring back a lot of people.


We’ve always had to earn flying in new expansions whether it was gold, quests or pathfinder. The whole “we already had” and “you took flying away” always makes me laugh because neither apply in new expansions where we’ve never flown.

Do I like pathfinder… not really. But I do understand some of why it exists.


Ahh yes the old “pretend” dragon flying is the same as old flying so I can say they took nothing away ploy.

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Never had this issue where I need to sit on the ground and wait for vigor to recharge. I learned quickly to collect my glyphs for my dragon and learn how to manage vigor while flying and never run out. Sounds like a skill issue or that you just simply refuse to learn a new mechanic in the game and just scream its broken.

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If you run out of energy and have to land, you’ve made a mistake.

“Learned to” implies that you did have to sit on the ground and wait for vigor to recharge at one point. Thanks for feeling the need to lie to dismiss people that hate the flying, even to someone that said this horrible flying mechanic was stolen from another game and made even worse showing they have more experience in it than you.

Why people feel they need to blindly defend something disliked by so many is sad and to do so in a way that is insulting is pathetic.


i don’t think video games invented the concept of gliding


Its the vocal minority that dislikes it, the majority is fine with dragonriding. Stop trying to pretend like its 90% of players hating it when its probably not even 5%.


The fact you even made that response says a lot. The flying mechanic was invented by GW2 and if you had ever played it, you would know it. The only change is the Vigor aspect, replacing GW2s endurance.


Eh, good for the people who want it. I’ll never use it (especially once dynamic flight is enabled across the old world) can’t stand how slow, boring and non-interactive static flight is. I will however rabidly flight against the inevitable campaign for faster speeds on static flight.

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Old style flight should be left as it is, sure let it be moved around to the new zones as Blizzard plans. but speed should always just be as it is. Give players in the Old xpacs and zones the choice to choose between Dragonriding and Old School flight and be done with it.