Really? No Flying in next patch?

I’m sorry, but your other 140 mounts declare it a necessity. You will do it, because your highwind darkmane, your snowy gryphon and your hearthsteed are all gonna give you the saddest puppy dog eyes for not letting them fly in the new zones.

Do you really want dis to be their future?


That’s perfect!


This is me when I’m not allowed to use Running Wild. I’m not even joking. I love that ability.


Looks like my plans for tonight’s gaming has just changed…I want to at least be in a decent spot to get through their tedious hoops lol. I wish they didn’t have to tie it to another Pathfinder slog though. Feels like punishment.


Running wild is awesome. I am already spoiled by ‘poof’ travel form! So I feel ya when you’re stuck trudging around in boring bipedal mode.


It really did feel like this. It was great.


Agreed. I’m lucky all I need is Loamm Niffen And I’m currently at 12.

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Thanks a lot… you’re making me want to roll a Worgen. :rofl:

LOL You’re welcome.

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Pathfinder is such a waste of time. The only requirement should be to log in, mount up and press spacebar


“Playing the game is such a waste of time. I should be given endgame gear for just logging in.”
That’s what you sound like.


Pathfinder is stupid no matter how you spin it. Flight used to be purchasable at max level until the devs tried to remove it entirely. No reason at all we should have to jump through hoops for it now, the devs are just being spiteful.


You know they are hurting for subs bad when they announce two things to bring people back that was not on their road map.

  1. More BE customizations
  2. TBC flying returning

Do the math.

If I was to speculate we were this wee bit close to watching TBC flying being completely phased out of existing content. Thank you all for speaking up early and often in the Dragonflight beta. Thank you.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Just to add, I notice a bunch of forum regulars that quit back in 2021 (height of the Shadowlands content drought) have never returned, same with some of the “WoW” streamers in my rotation/list - they pretty much permanently swapped to streaming other games

And all the “sales” they’ve been doing recently don’t inspire much confidence in the sub-numbers either

Maybe I’m getting old, but I remember back in the day (when subs were strong) the current expansion wouldn’t get any discounts until at least like 1 year out. It used to be like a “rare treat” to have a discount on the current expansion… but lately it seems they’ve got a “50% off Dragonflight!” sale being shoved in our faces every few months :flushed:


All I know is that Blood Elf customizations brings the boys to the yard.

Time for me to make my milkshake as I embark on my Sunday morning walk.

Cheers TBC flying is back and that is exciting. What a time to be alive!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Given the speed and acceleration boosts are my main problem with the flappy bird game - I for one, will not be asking for the speed boost.

But yes, some people will.

What I find ironic, is I stopped playing in Dragon Isles because flying was causing problems for me. As such, my highest renown is 9 lol. So finishing pathfinder with renown 15 is not likely to happen anytime soon.

The devs really don’t seem to get it at times.



Which is how flight works bud.

All flying is glorified gliding. Airplanes, birds, mosquitos, bees, all of them fly by glorified gliding.

i dont want flying to 310%…is TOO MUCH SLOW NOW compared to dragonriding!

Guess what you aren’t require to use it. Some people do want it and I really don’t get why that’s so hard to understand.


The go go go mentality first started with M+ but not has infested flying.

But we will emerge from the dark ages once more with TBC flying returning. Have a cookie you earned it for enduring the dark ages of DF.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man: