I find it hysterical how mad some people are over something that doesn’t even affect them.
They are cultists, what do u expect?
The WoW reddit is full of them, over there they’re currently in a “foaming at the mouth” baby-rage meltdown in pretty much any post/comment section where regular flying coming back is brought up… even though it literally doesn’t affect them
To the cult member, the notion that there are actually people outside their little closed-loop/echo chamber “bubble” who have different beliefs/opinions than them is so alien to them they almost can’t believe it
So when they find out there are other groups of people besides them/different opinions in the world, they get hostile (“what!? no, just leave flying turned off! bu- but you can’t do that!!”)
Um you guys are doing exactly the same thing. When you don’t fly, you thrown a temper tantrum. I say this pathfinder for DF is stupid to begin with because we already have flying and its dragonriding.
Thank you! Thank you! and once more…THANK YOU!
So why are some people so mad just because some people can’t use or simply don’t like dragonriding?? It doesn’t even affect them.
I have that bookmarked just for anti normal flight trolls.
Where’s your source for this?
Good idea! Seems it’s official that old world flying is here to stay.
For what?
I revel in forum tears and this will remove a source of them.
Not you, the OP.
I know I just wasn’t sure what you were asking about. As to what the OP said that was never stated anywhere and now we have conformation of the opposite here.
Because people like yourself refuses to learn and adapt. Dragonriding is not all that hard to master and it much faster than normal flying. What really irritates me and other players on here that you guys just keep whining about “normal flying” and they end up bending the knee to you when the rest of us see that as nothing but wasted resources.
Some of you guys are now complaining about grinding renowned and I am sure you will complaint about mount speed next. It never enough with you folks and we all know that the next expansion is thing over again and most of us are tried of it.
yes old zone is getting dragonriding
they need to fix the ceiling in the old zone so we don’t smack or dc in 30sec of getting the height
No it’s not hard for a lot of people to master. I mastered it just fine I simply prefer normal flight. As for speed unless I’m trying to get to a rare I couldn’t care less about speed.
What makes people like you look so bad is a complete disregard for people who have physical issues with dragonriding.
Not sure what you mean by “end up bending the knee” and “wasted resources” since normal flight was never being removed and it already exists in Dragon Isles it just needs to be enabaled.
I think maybe referring to normal flying being something you unlocked VIA the same Pathfinder system about 3 or 4 expansions ago.
I don’t know if they confirmed regular flying yet but I always preferred dragon riding lol
Confirmed in this thread by a Dev.
You can no longer alt tab to Netflix which is where the objectionable friction is coming from.
Also, different types of flight buffs were datamined even with different icons so the implication was that it was going to be a toggle.
That’s what y’all wanted, right?
Thanks, lol I’m blind and cannot see things more than 2 feet in front of my own nose.
Well there are 800+ posts in this thread.