No you don’t, there is a new rep coming with the next patch and its called Dream Wardens and you have to get it too at least renown 15 to use normal flying…
Yep they all think they will have normal flying day 1 of the new patch…they are totally missing the new rep that was posted that is called Dream Wardens…haha
I think you mean that GD always has to have a downside to everything. It should actually be the forum motto.
This forum has just become an asinine babytown tear-festival.
Dragon riding is more buggy then any thing I ever seen in this game .
One word NOT
This is good but for having to do pathfinder once more .
Didn’t they say they were adding dragonriding to the old world as an additional option? I don’t recall them saying the other types of riding were going away.
Regular Flying in 10.2 with new Pathfinder.
This may have already been posted, (FF to 6:32):
And now I see the Blue post. What a lovely surprise!
Pathfinder was incredibly easy last xpac and in DF we can already fly, so I assume it won’t be anything super arduous, nor will it lock us out of any content. Looking forward to the threads asking for normal flying to be more like Dragonriding within about a week of it being unlocked. Particularly the speed aspect, you’re going to have a hell of a time getting to rares and events before they die.
for me flying is simply the fastest way to get from a>b (and i have many of the 1% mounts) , why would i do another pathfinder to use a mount thats a hell of a lot slower?
…this is just another blizz rehash to create a timesink and call it ‘content’
Because pathfinder is just general game play. Everyone should just general complete just simply playing the game at any pace. Not one thing in it is beyond just general playing of the game. I don’t know what people make such a big deal out of it now days.
We’ll have dragonriding in the new area on day one of the patch so getting around and getting renown should be no problem.
that is an odd way to put it - if regular flying is actually being put in. I don’t want to do dragonflying using all my mounts. I want to be able to actually do the original flying we had up to this expansion and of course then it goes without saying we would be able to use all our mounts.
I can’t wait till Blizz tell everyone that they are dumping dragon riding in the next xpac, don’t laugh they have done it to many other systems over the years.
I actually enjoy dragonriding… have you not gotten your tokens for it? I never feel clunky. I guess to each their own.
I can’t wait until they add old school flying to the dragon isles, and then you people will have to find something else to piss and moan about, so i guarantee you’re going to end up demanding that classic flying speed be increased to match the speeds of dragon flying. And we know you’re going to do this because thats how entitled you have become.
Hate to burst your sad bubble, but 10.2 has introduced its first non dragon, dragon-riding mount. And guess what? They gave it another name besides “dragon-riding” ;). They’ve already started the process of future proofing the dragon-riding mechanic for expansions to come.
Good dragon-riding mechanic does need improvement. But they’ve also made it very clear that normal flight isn’t being abandoned either.
and you can stay mad at the fact that old flying is never being removed
Can we please get this pushed back to 11.0.
i don’t think blizzard is presenting it as content. this is something people have been begging for because they love hovering and slow flying that much. i don’t think blizzard thinks it’s an amazing idea.
Zero chance.
Also… why???