That’s nice… how about new/returning players though?
I dunno… I’m sensing some serious bitterness here from ya.
Dynamic flying allows them to add in the vertical and horizontal content to keep things interesting. Glyphs are what can gimp you if you don’t get them. Quests in the air add more content. The system requires engagement and not just afking.
So it’s a system that can move forward and be available to give all of that from day one, while keeping out of the game for a while what they dislike: afk auto travel with hover.
Does it suck for accessibility? Yes. But as long as there’s a way to traverse (on the ground or using friends with the whelp) until static flying is released, this was a good compromise.
I don’t believe Pathfinder is a necessity, but Blizz seems to want that requirement in the game to get people into their systems and make sure they’ve actually tried it out and done the content.
And I also don’t believe we need to be petty and deny people a dynamic flying system, simply because people are ticked off about Pathfinder for static flying.
if people want old world flying in DF they sure won’t be complaining about dragonriding being faster. do u ever read what you type? normal 310 speed > dragonriding (with limited stamina)
harvesters would rather have old world flying than any dragon flying for the simple fact: requires NO STAMINA.
sure, players will reply back u can fly virtually forever. it isn’t flying it’s gliding. swoop down and land grab herb, mount up and zip to next. repeat this a few times and guess what? you are out of stamina. that is incredibly annoying. I have yet to see any actual dragons land to rest up so they can launch themselves again.
if u are not a harvester or are just mounting up to get from point A to B and not stopping in between, sure Dflying is faster, but speed isn’t everything. in fact it is in the top complaints about normal dungeon runs atm.
Isn’t Dragonriding Flying?
Except new/returning players.
My spouse still can’t fly in BFA because of the rep-gating.
My question can i fly without a cd .
They opened up flying in BFA a while back. You no longer have to do the pathfinder achieves.
please link where these exact words were written
I can’t believe anybody was surprised… I expected it all long.
That’s literally timegated. It includes the new renown track which would take several weeks to finish.
They weren’t. Scroll down to the Blue post It’s coming in 10.2.
There absolutely is a point in adding static flying to the Dragonflight zones. There are people who play this game who have disability issues (e.g. vision and other sensory issues, motion sickness, etc.) and dragon riding is a hindrance to their ability to play the game. Flying slowly and with less aerial maneuvering is beneficial to those players.
Having both dragon riding and static flying as options mean everyone gets to play the game the way they want. And that is a good thing.
How is that at all timegated? You earn renown by doing stuff like we always do.
No, it’s more like glorified gliding tbh
I feel like you aren’t understanding the term. If you have to wait to unlock something, it’s timegated. If you could grind the renown out without waiting for weeks that would be one thing but I highly doubt it.
I won’t use standard flying when it’s available. Dragon flying is a superior experience for me.
However, I share the flabergast of the implementation of a Path finder requirement to use normal flying mounts in expansion where flying was available at launch.
I know it’s conspiracy cringe, but I can’t help but think it’s another way to sand bag engagement numbers.
Actually, you’re the one that doesn’t understand what “timegated” means.
If they only give us one rep quest every two weeks, that’s timegated.
If we can consistently get rep from doing stuff, that’s absolutely not timegated.
When the automobile first came out, there were plenty of luddites complaining. They honestly felt that horses were better than cars, and made a similar stink to these lovers of swimming in air.
And we still share the road today with horses.
At this point, any Pathfinder is a waste of resources to create.
It’s a completely arbitrary gate that can’t be defended with concerns about pacing or combat avoidance when our day 1 mounts with no timegates travel 3 times as fast.