You sound like the teacher at a parent teacher conference for a first grader.
Condescending much? Or is this gatekeeping now?
FWIW, I don’t agree with the person you were quoting, but your response was funny, in an ironic sort of way.
You sound like the teacher at a parent teacher conference for a first grader.
Condescending much? Or is this gatekeeping now?
FWIW, I don’t agree with the person you were quoting, but your response was funny, in an ironic sort of way.
Ive been gaming since gaming became a thing.
I dont remember the hostility this game community has.
In fact, Even today when I played FF14 and ESO i didnt see the venom and hate I do in the WoW community.
There isnt any valid reason for it so I have to assume its just a personality thing with the individual.
Wowhead beat you to it again:
All I can say is I will not be resubbing. Most folks will probably do the nannyland requirements but it won’t be me.
I would also like to echo concerns about the requirement that all renown be at 15. Would you consider removing at least this as a requirement or possibly lower it to 10?
Also, thank you so much for the communication!
blzz can you kill this pathfinder stuff man lol
Thanks for the communication! Just to add my voice - please don’t add any rep / renown requirements - those grinds aren’t fun.
Story and exploring? Sure! Grabbing all the flight paths? Sure! Just please no rep grinds -.-
All I can say is good. Your negativity is not welcome.
But see you when you resub though.
Oh boy, I guess I am going have sleepless night just thinking about you…yea I am not here to friends ok here, I am expressing my opinion and I disagree with this decision. But enjoyed your slow flying mount.
My pink dragon really needs DR. He’d be perfect for it.
Gonna be honest here. Just drop PF. You’ve withheld normal flight from the folks that actually need it enabled for way too long.
You guys know it’s a jerk move to make people wait this long to be able to use their normal flying mounts. Especially in content they can technically already fly in from the get go.
I could understand if we were currently able to use our normal flying and then you introduced DR in a later patch, but for normal flying to have a “Pathfinder” after being able to use DR for however long it’s been now:
Again: it’s a jerk move and honestly stupid.
Just give us our normal flying back. We don’t need ceremonies.
(There’s no nicer way to put that.)
Keep in mind most of those GD’ers in question are full-grown/30+ aged adults - yet they’re still behaving like children on here whenever the topic of “Dragonriding or regular flying?” comes up, stoop down to ridiculing accessibility/handicap types, etc
Just like cultists man, reminds me of the “green” protesters that take it a step too far and slash innocent people’s tires in the name of their “cause”
There’s disagreeing, and then there’s directly taking something away from other people (…for example, Dragonriding fanboys calling for regular flying to be deleted from the game altogether)
Yeah, and this time the usual excuse of “but we want you to explore the land not ignore everything, but teh immersion!” doesn’t really apply since people have literally been “ignoring” all the usual physical obstacles and ground-based packs of mobs since day 1 due to Dragonriding…
Just a couple personal thoughts:
I land a lot and not to just pick flowers/mine ore or even punch things in the face. I like pretty areas.
Really really really hoping they listen to reason and drop the renown requirement altogether, not just for the sake of new/returning players (…the group most negatively affected) but also for “existing” players like me that didn’t particularly enjoy the Niffin cave content/barely touched it and only got like “Renown 2” with that faction before losing interest in visiting the zone
Renown 15 with the Niffins/cave people?? That’s a tall, tall order… most new/returning players won’t be able to stomach it tbh
I’m a non-new/existing player and even I can’t stomach it
They’re adding pathfinder achievements to the Dragon Isles to unlock regular flying.
Wanna bet they put dragon gliding behind a rep pathfinder next expansion Then have another pathfinder for regular flying
No, just no. It would screw world pvp again. If you want the speed of dragonriding, use dragonriding and deal with whatever skill issues makes you think it’s bad.
Regular flying as an option should have been enabled months ago, with no Pathfinder BS.
Dragon riding (or dynamic flying or whatever they end up branding it) that works in older areas AND lets us use existing flying mounts should be the big thing for 10.2.
Blizzard wonders why they can’t retain players? The war on flying has got to end. I spend as little time as possible in dragon isles.
I’ve played consistently since the launch of DF. The highest renown I have is 21 with Val Accord on this Toon. Followed by 16 with the walrus people. And 13 with the Niffin (both on this toon too). Then all my other renown for my paladin is sub 8.
I have another toon with 15 niffin - but nothing else that high.
The reason Val is so high is that I got it doing random stuff. Iskaur (walrus peeps) is high cause I focused hard into it to make farming bronze coins of the isles easier (for Otto!).
But I hated every minute of it. But I’ll do anything for otters tbh.