Happy noises
WoW head has an article. Can’t check atm.
What did you do for all the pathfinders they MADE US do for all those YEARS? Did you fly in each expac? DF has been the BEST thing to happen to WoW in a long time. Seriously, if you can’t handle dragon riding you might want to just stick to classic or not ever pick on dragon riding.
Looks like Ion and Co can’t help themselves in continuing to be spiteful towards the players after they didn’t get to remove flying in WoD, I really hope this causes massive backlash, subs plummet, and they are forced to do an about-face.
Im going to block you just because I can. lol.
the word ‘pathfinder’ shouldnt have even been used again, lol.
Not after handing us dragonriding so quick day one of the expansion.
Should have just been a release date for normal flight.
But this IS Ion and crew we’re talking about, lol
Because it didn’t.
I’m out of likes so have some cake.
- Reach Renown 15 with all Dragonflight factions
- Freshscales Fifteen
yeah, that ones gonna be a buzz kill for players starting late who havent even started working on renown yet.
I was willing to give them a chance and think POSSIBLY the spite would be gone over flight now.
Looks like lessons HAVENT been learned yet lmao
Welcome to the ignore list. You earned it.
Will Dracthyr flying be coming with this as well? Or are we going to see a bunch of Druids flying around meanwhile my winged Dracthyr will be required to use the Flying Machine?
As I’ve said before in other threads - no, you cannot do the entire campaign on the ground - I tried.
You have:
- The montage at the start
- Getting to Thaldrazus after Azure Span
- Literally all of the addendum story bits, especially the ones in and around Tyrhold
- Getting to the caverns for the first time; The entry quest is on a cliff with no ground access
It would be nice if it’s nothing to do with the story or rep, and instead is something that you could do for someone else (getting the glyphs) or just a training we buy for 10k or something.
Time-gating static flight (aka sky swimming) but having dynamic flight (aka dragon falling-with-style) open from day 1 shouldn’t be the normal, and it should never have been the case for Dragon FLIGHT, but here we are.
I sincerely hope that future expansions have both open from Day 1.
Can you imagine those often-mentioned “new players” that GD’ers repeatedly say the game desperately “needs to attract” trying out Dragonflight for the first time, on a fresh 60, and finding out (…to their shock/disappointment) they have to start from “Renown 1” and that reaching renown 15 on all factions including the 10.2 one will take them months of boring grinding… and that there is literally no catchup mechanism available to them (fresh/“starting from 0” players)?
But according to white-knight types everyone should already be maxed out renown by now - yet they conveniently forget about those “pesky” new/fresh players that are going to be sooooo far behind with literally no catchup mechanism
Unless you already had an existing max-level character with 10+ renown levels there is literally no catchup mechanism, and new/completely fresh players trying Dragonflight for the first time obviously don’t have a pre-existing character with 10+ renown already on it
Theres a name for it in my Psyche book, but Im not using the word in here. lol.
When people lack empathy for their fellow human beings, its one of THE most disturbing attributes a person can possess.
Not sure what word that is, but the Dragonriding fanboys/white-knights certainly seem to have almost all the traits of a cult
Legit, their behavior is almost indistinguishable from the behavior of cult members
This thread has already exhibited some of the behavior.
Saying one doesnt like old flight is fine…but when they start mocking and ridiculing someone who is having trouble with DRing over some physical issue…well, I just wonder if theyre the same persons who tossed a fit when a former politician was accused of mocking handicapped people? Because I see no difference here.
Many who have motor skill issues and motion sickness (like my wife) are having REAL issues with DRing…and like that former politician was accused of doing, we have some in here MOCKING these fellow players with handicaps that make DRing harder or nearly impossible for them.
Its…disturbing…to say the least.
HOPEFULLY its 13 year old kids and not actual adults doing it. At least that would be understandable.
I will, by not renewing my sub. Whether I use static flying over dynamic flying will have NO effect on your gameplay. What a worthless response.
I go into threads on a certain topic because the posters of said topic ARE trying to affect MY interactions with this forum. I have PERSONAL investment in that topic, so as horrible as it gets, I have valid reason for posting there.
But with this one, they have NO valid argument against normal flight since it doesnt affect them at all, regardless of the claims otherwise.
My guess is its just miserable people looking for some enemy to fight to fill their miserable day with.
I cant find any other reason for the need to respond when it doesnt have any bearing on their game.
But the ones complaining loudest are judging. The community is breaking down into idiotic discussions of who is or is not handicapped with a motor issue, some are actually telling people “no, you don’t have a motor problem.” And … we eat our own.
Blizzard put a new mechanic in a game, sometimes it actually is as simple as liking new content and new changes. I don’t give a darn about what people do or do not do with their old dragon riding. Use it, pathfind it, I don’t care. I just like dragonriding better. There’s no ulterior motive.
Eventually Blizzard will find the solution to make everyone happy, but the time taken clearly isn’t working for everyone.
It would be nice if we could just be civil until it resolves.