how is i skill issue? i has other things do. am i bad player?
It was just a joke. You can get your renown up to 10 just by doing side quests.
sorry im like uhm not myself right now.
Nonsense, generally speaking people play games for fun and they should have a design to them. If it’s ok for everything to be arbitrary go complete a puzzle where none of the pieces fit and come back and tell me if that’s fun.
The nothing means anything argument regarding video games fails to acknowledge that people play games for a reason. Usually for entertainment purposes.
And again I think that defense is silly, especially when dragon riding is incredibly faster than regular flying. The pro for dragon riding is already there, it is way faster than regular flying.
I’ve honestly forgotten that regular flying exists.
Once you get used to Dragon riding, it’s hard to look back.
That’s why I worked on one character first to get Word of a Worthy Ally II. That’s a huge to Renown boost for alts plus I needed Tailoring and Enchanting recipes from Renown.
i got 25+ on the OG renowns, loams at i think 5 ,
Same for me I think except on loams I just hit 12.
The dev above said more details would be coming soon. I see that wowhead datamined a pathfinder achieve. That being said, based on what’s available from the datamined achieve, I really hope the finalized pathfinder only includes explorer (which I already have) and the main storylines.
Rep grinding to revered is what made me bitter and upset about grinding pathfinder during previous xpacs. The delay was bad enough, but I was forced to use a travel method I did not enjoy (ground mounts in previous xpacs, or soon to be dragonriding in this one) during a time where I wanted flight the most (doing repetetive content, such as grinding rep). I haven’t enjoyed open world content as much since WoD because I spent too long using travel methods I do not enjoy before I could start to have fun (with regular flight being an important part of my enjoyment).
As your metrics show, many people are not getting rep/renown because that is a worldquester/xmog spare time solo vibe. But as your metrics show, many more players than that want the utility of flying implemented back into this version of the game.
Take out the rep/renown requirement for pathfinder, or bring back rep from dungeons, and/or pvp, and/or give us meaningful rewards for grinding rep if you really want this to be a positive experience holistically resulting in good PR, not just an option for some of the casuals subbing for pretty pixels.
I think blizzard just noticed that people are not doing renown so that’s their attempt to get people to do it. Jokes on them though because that’s still not enough of an incentive to get me to do it, they’re going to have to add transmog that isn’t mid or rewards that are actually good for me to consider that.
They’re going to have another mass exodus on their hands if they don’t learn from past mistakes. Which could be good, because I will resub (with gold, obviously) for another 9.1.5 where they threw a bunch of QOL features back into the game that they arbitrarily took out and put up their sleeve anticipating low subs because they are trashing the game.
Subs are already down, we playing competitive limbo here? How low blizzard want to go?
That wouldn’t surprise me. I haven’t paid enough attention to renown to see if I would want any of the rewards. It would basically be a means to an end (regular flight). Forcing renown grinding for pathfinder will give me a bad first impression that’s hard to overcome, just like in other xpacs with pathfinder.
The only people I can see having a problem with Renown are Raid loggers, ones who mainly do M+ and PvP’ers.
I will not deny that I enjoy running keys during times where I’m focused on current content.
That being said, I do enjoy doing open world content in areas where I can use regular flight when I don’t have anyone around to run keys with - that’s quite often these days since I tend to play at odd times.
massive L, nobody likes pathfinder
I find in interesting that OP gets downvoted by folks who live on the forums and yet a wow dev answers OP’s question coz it was a legit concern and/or conclusion based on the silence on the matter for a number of (major and minor) patches.
hehehe… another whining from people who don’t like no-flying zones like it was with argus, tell me how you feel when you see that your Dragon jet doesn’t work in that zone, HOLD ON STUPID, don’t live off your Hello Kitty Island
Thank you LORD
Thank you Jesus
But its better than exclusive dragon wagon