What about the players that have disabilities in their fingers or hands, the new dragon flying system hurts their hands, or causes pain everytime they try to fly the dragon. Wonder if Ion and crew thought about that, or IF they even care?
Now that i wouldn’t doubt.
You could be right, that does sound familiar. I still think we’re going to see posts about speeding up old mounts.
Me personally I think the mount system just needs an overhaul.
Now that’s a good question.
Are out
Trying to
Notices and
Yup. That is the way this conversation is going to go.
We have to slooooow the content doooown so the money keeps rolling in.
Once you earn it, its account wide. Im trying to remember how it was for earlier Pathfinders.
Some of the achievements are already account wide, such as “Dragon Isles Explorer” while others (Explore Zaralek Cavern for example) is character-specific. Obviously they are still working on it but I hope some clarification of that is released sooner rather than later in case players need to do any catchup.
I believe it was rendering speed of how fast the server / world rendered around you, and the old world wasn’t caught up to speed on server upgrades / coding like the dragon isles were. I believe they are actively working on it and have been so since near the beginning of dragonflight expansion. Hence why we are just now getting the world cups, its like a “trial” / testing the old world capability.
If you travel to fast and go beyond where the server recognizes you / render it usually causes characters to get stuck and unable to log in or at best just a simple disconnect till the server can register where you’re supposed to be at.
I’m also pretty sure the server had a “speed limit” to recognize how fast a character was capable of traveling at, so if you went through the old world to fast the server would ping your account for potential speed hacking and notify a GM to look upon your account to see if you’re guilty of speed hacking. Of course dragonflying would also have to be adjusted for this because no character was ever capable of going as fast before dragonflying was introduced.
I saw a list (don’t remember where, I’ll see if I can find it) of mounts currently with dragonriding enabled. The druid class hall bird was one of them.
i’m more interested in the base racial forms like the storm crow, but i’ll take anything i can get
Yes they will. Never mind I misread that.
here you go
Oh good,freedom is coming!
Thank you very much! I couldn’t find that one, only the older one from back in April/May.
Hope we are able to turn them off.
they said it would be a toggle at the flight master or trainer if i recall
Sorry I misread who you were replying to. Just normal flight I think.
No problem the more info the better,that’s why i come here.
Oof i didn’t see anything about the druid flight forms but i could of missed it. But they did add my favorite flying mount to the first round of mounts. BEHOLD THE FLYING RAVEN LORD <3