I can flightwhistle and teleports instead of flightpoints! Solved.
I would most likely sinewave back and forth on these, because using dragonflying is just plain annoying to use sometimes. At least near the ground.
A freaking Pathfinder?
You have to be kidding!
This is so lame, and man there is going to be so much backlash up until the patch release, its going to be a blast!
That is so depressing to hear. I don’t know why they are pushing this poorly designed system.And yes it is from mine and a good amount of players perspective. Going by a good amount of different world region and my own Oceanic regions discussions I have had with people.The minority of which we are in have 0 sway or say pver the “Yes Blizzard” players and that to me sums up how degraded the society of wow has become.
They had to add those animations to flying mounts. Before Cata, you could not swim with your flying mount. You couldn’t mount on a flying mount while swimming either, even if you were at the surface.
Old flying is swimming.
Why tho…
Why not just like
Give us regular flying regardless lol
Hope we don’t have to grind rep…
Why is this depressing? Your getting old flying in Dragonflight and Dragonflying in old world content. Everyone gets something.
oh boy. anti old flyers gonna be angry. if only i could post goku deal with it gif.
This is a disater. Im freaking out people!
They already are. I love that one got schooled by the Dev… that was PERFECT.
Why is it a disaster?
i would like to know this as well. also cant wait for all the angry threads from anti old world flying peoples. got schooled by devs.
Cataclysm would like a word with you, flying from day one. In fact, up until Ion and Co started their war on flying, it was always available day one if you got to level cap and had the gold. It was only after they tried to remove it in WoD, and got massive pushback, and had to add it back did they start this ridiculous gating it for half the expansion, but someone who probably only started in WoD or later wouldn’t know that and I forgive you for that lack of knowledge.
Remove vigor while you’re at it. it’s trash
wow head has released the pathfinder you need to be renown 15 with all the factions with other stuff
Massive L Blizzard
is that hard?
for players that did not do it might be
i just need the new faction and exploring
I’ve done nothing quest related tbh. No ZC Campaign, no renown, no exploration, nothing.
Good thing I didnt want regular flying anyway
That’s nothing I have almost all that already.