Karazaa, you are the MVP today <3
Please delete old world flying
Honestly, it’s the most fun I had trying to learn dragonriding, slamming into stuff, failing at falling, then finally getting up that mountain after circling it about 30 times. LOL
It’s not dumb. But it is gimping yourself.
my guess on the pathfinder part might be collecting all the glyphs for dragon riding lol
This is my only gripe, you’ve taken away a class ability/part of the fantasy of the class. Even this far into it I still die from jumping off places and muscle memory going for flight form.
it would be nice if its no worse than getting Dragonriding…ie done in an hour or two.
Dragonriding is one of the definite positives. Hopefully when they rig all the old flying mount with dragon riding they delete old flying
This would be the best pathfinder ever in that case if it was just that! (though we probably can expect doing the 10.0, 10.1, and 10.2 campaign also).
Keep dreaming and trolling.
I’m the world’s biggest dragonriding fan, but that is not happening.
I guess I haven’t played MMOs long enough to know to take such a structured approach. I just wanted to work through the quests alongside exploring for glyphs, which I thought was intended (weird to say given we’re talking about an open-ended game). I don’t play with others in this game hardly at all, so I don’t really know what the actual playerbase is like and I was just going off of my own experiences, which was likely very insufficient.
that one is here for reaction. Dont give them the attention
If they released dragonflight without dragonriding that deletes so many memorable moment from this expansion.
Old flying is terrible
Ok this is the best and most important news of the entire expansion.
Appreciate the communication.
I’m guessing most of Pathfinder we’ll already have completed except maybe explore and complete story in the new zone.
savage and thanks for believing
oh no…lol…I AM DRings biggest fan.
Glad to hear normal flight is finally coming for those who love it.
You’re not wrong! This is one way to do it. I was just happy that they let me go off and do what I want. lol
The reason why I want to know how far into the expansion will this be obtainable is because of the accessibility concerns raised earlier. Shouldn’t players who struggle with this be able to access TBC flying early?
Yeah, let us have both.