Prosper by your own successes or suffer from your predecessors sins.
The worst thing the old devs did was add old flying, it’s why so many other mmorpgs never added it.
Prosper by your own successes or suffer from your predecessors sins.
The worst thing the old devs did was add old flying, it’s why so many other mmorpgs never added it.
the only other big mmo right now has flying
If this actually comes out, thats great. Thank you for clarifying this for us.
Damn this dev is laying some smack down
WoW is THE MMORPG, friend. All others cower before it.
now, Imma block you because Im not giving you the attention youre here for
its always curious why people who arent effected by X cant help themselves but rail on about X when others are asking for X.
Blue smackdown.
Already happening, I’ve seen multiple people argue old flying should get a major speed boost to bring it in line with dragon riding. Even though DR’s speed is supposed to be the trade off for losing the easy maneuverability of old flying.
As someone who is old and has issues with the flappy bird game (due to vision issues), I thank you for this.
Hate to Say I told you so But I have been saying this (More to myself) for months now. They Wont negate the core feature of this current expansion even though its imo still in beta format. I have taken atleast 1 day /played recently to “get good” as people tell me and yet It has only reinforced the fact that my beta thoughts about this system are accurate. Anyone who enjoys it/Knows its back to front blindfolded and is a million times better than me save your comments please I have heard them all. A long with me doing that practice I also watched and read guides to see what I was doing wrong and even with that imput I still hate it.By now or by the end of Dragonflight blizzard just need to tick a box allowing us to use our slower mounts alongside those. I have lost count of the tinest branch point of a branch the slightest tip of a rock formation the side of a rock formation actually being stuck on one of these as my Dragon just flails about and maybe some more I am not remembering. And having to deal with all that with how Dragon Riding works was one of the early warning signs for me that this system is bad.I get Trees and mountains having collision buy why every single branch regardless of size let alone tree size.What is the point of that besides annoying the player that much that they would rather just take flight paths and ground mount the rest of it (@ some points I did that and it was more enjoyable.
TLDRL:I Don’t honest care we cant use old mount come next expansion I just don’t want Dragonriding to Come out of DragonFlight.If you cant give us both than dont bring the Latter which is still not fully functional forward with you into the games future.It will only make your problems worse.
oh dragonriding will be out in the old zone that’s why we have the cups to have some testing
“I Don’t honest care we can’t use old mount come next expansion” No where was that said.
Hey, even saying this much is really cool. Thanks for being responsive and for all your hard work!
To you it is but not to me…we should have an option to be able to use old world or Dragon flying…let the customers decide what they want to use…I am quite sick of Dragon flying and my hands and wrists are sick of it too.
I hope they give the A ok for more of this to happen. Reminds me of the ghostcrawler days
This is the Blizz I like to see!
Requiring pathfinder for regular flight when dragonriding is available day 1 with no pathfinder is irritating.
I will grit my teeth and rush my way through pathfinder so that I can finally enjoy open world content in DF when pathfinder is complete.
It’s good to hear that regular flight is coming, just not in the way I’d hoped, especially with “flight” (dragonriding) available on day 1.
I mean it’ll probably be like Shadowlands Pathfinder, which was just “do the campaign and explore the map”.
Dragonriding is all well and good until you decide you want increase your elevation. Can only press the spacebar a few times.
Are you aiming straight up and using Skyward Ascent?
You can get really high with a few charges like that.