Really? No Flying in next patch?

Yeah. Most folks aren’t trying to get DRing removed - heck, some of us do actually like it! I do enjoy it, for the most part. I’m just also really tired of it, and want the option to just go slower and vibe sometimes… as well as use the plethora of mounts I have, rather than 5 vaguely customizable dragons and one Netherdrake.

Like sure, you’ll get an extremist come in now and then and demand it be removed because it’s bad awful stinky horrible, but like… one extremist out of a large majority of relatively chill old-flying fans is not reason enough to paint all of us with the same brush.

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we’re talking about two completely different flying systems, genius

There will be a flight master of some sort in Valdrk. I dont want instant switching neither and i HATE DR. I mean, if you want to do the racing WQ’s you use DR, and then hearth back to Val, and switch back to your flight option.

Easy Peezy!

dflying is the best version of flying by far.

I’m so sick and tired of the imp’s nannyland development. Is he trying to pull another WoD?

No flying, no sub.


You’re right! We’re talking about two different flight systems.

Dragonriding goes very fast and can do unique aerial maneuvers.

TBC Flight has perfect precision with movement and enables hovering.

Why is it so critical they be hard-separated by an NPC again? They serve entirely different functions.


But why? Why wouldn’t you want the ability to just… Dismount from your Dragonriding mount and hop onto your TBC mount? Why must there be a penalty to traversal?

Because stamina is a limitation. Of course this limitation is remedied by glyphs, but wherever that whole complaint came from I completely disagree. I have been stuck on the ground due to my poor vigor management and low glyph-count. I wouldn’t want that whole challenge quelled by just being able to fly up, even if it was slower.

Then should ground mounts also have a vigor and stamina system? After all, why wouldn’t you use them over just walking everywhere? The mount should have a ‘cost’, right?

Okay you win. I bit your bait. Happy now?

Because that will be the middle ground Blizz will give in on.

Also, i am 100% sure glyphs will be grayed out if you are on a regular mount.

Ah, I think I see the problem now. You don’t know what a dragon is. But, sure, they have added different swimming and flying animations to a handful of mounts over time. Dragons and drakes, though, still flap their wings in water just as they do in the air. And at the end of the day, old flying still works like swimming, except you move faster and don’t have a breath meter.

Did you know that you can do the old flying “tricks” while swimming, too, by pressing Insert/Delete while swimming to perform loops? That’s because they use the same system. Have you ever lagged out while trying to mount up? Your mount doesn’t appear, but your character can “swim” through the air, complete with the swimming animation.

I mean, it’s nice to finally see the argument crumble in real-time.

Dragonriding is the high-skill-ceiling, high-reward option for rapid traversal. TBC Flight is low-investment but guaranteed to eventually get you there. Dragonriding has unmatched speed and unique maneuvers that can even be used in a PvP sense. TBC Flight allows slower, safer and more convenient exploration with perfectly precise movement as well as enables ‘camera mode’ for making videos for CCs and also just appreciating a vista from wherever you care to look at it.

The two systems serve entirely different purposes despite propelling you through the same space.

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But that doesn’t make sense. You’re not even asked to commit to talent points anymore. Why would you be hard-locked to a Dragonriding or TBC Flight mount?

Nobody is suggesting a hard lock. You should be able to toggle between them whenever you want, just that the toggle should be restricted to somewhere like Valdrakken or somewhere where newcomers to DF can access in case they feel uncomfortable to use dragon flying at all in the early game.

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You did. And I respect how you have listened in some regards and even changed your mind.

The difference is that we’re not seeing these issues that you are. So it’s two different points of view.


Again, not being able to select my Gyrocopter immediately after hopping off my Dragon without having to talk to an NPC is a hard-lock, full stop. You’re not even asked to commit to talent builds at that level anymore, why should your mount be so harshly restricted?

They promised we would get normal flying eventually. If they break that promise, Dragonflight will be the last expansion I ever bought. I don’t enjoy dragonriding at all, I just don’t care about being the fastest and even after all the updated toggles it still makes me a bit motion sick. I’d rather slower, reliable old flying.


I actually really enjoy dragon riding and want it to permanently replace regular flying (which is far far too slow for modern wow IMO).

Also, did you hear about the dragonriding raid boss… you probably should be mader about that if you dont like dragonriding.

The only data I have seen was from the 1 month mark, at which point they were saying that fewer people had bought the game, while those who had bought it had better retention than in earlier expansions.

We know that in Shadowlands and BfA there was a major dropoff by that point. But I have seen no new data on player retention. Nor have they been bragging about players coming back.

It’s been a long time since they released sub numbers. So we don’t know how many players bought the game. We don’t know how many are still playing.

So it’s really not possible to say how today’s numbers would stack up against that earlier data point.