Really? No Flying in next patch?

And this take right here is what’s wrong with some players in this game.


Sorry for being a butt to y’all. I am hostile and argumentative at times. I’m glad we can agree to disagree here at least.


Only reason I want flying is so my monk can use his Zen Flight around town

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Ogod. You haven’t met me yet. :rofl:

You’re all good. It happens and I’m so part of that problem too. :grin::two_hearts:

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Let me try to explain it better: The reason why I want there to be a toggle is because, if you’re using dragon flying and are grounded, I don’t think you should be able to just switch to a different mount just to fly up ez style. If you’re grounded, you’re grounded until you recharge stamina. I think the old and new have fair tradeoffs when implemented with the switch, while retaining accessibility to those who have trouble with dragon flying.

But, I ask, why must traversal have a skill check and a punishment? Isn’t the punishment for being bad at Dragonriding to… Not go at Dragonriding speeds? And if you are capable of Dragonriding, why would you be locked out of your TBC Flight mounts?


“actual data”

references a bunch of imperfect stats for participation in specific content

sure bud :+1:

Nope, they were specifically referring to retail. Better luck next time!

Maybe find a less pathetic hobby than doomposting? Just a thought.

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You shouldn’t be locked out of your TBC mounts. Just that you’ll have to go back to Valdrakken or wherever to switch your ability to only TBC flying. Much like the “flying with friends” thing that the dragon flying trainer allows.

Why though?! Why must I talk to an NPC? Why can’t I just select the other mount?!

You’re not explaining this. We don’t have to talk to an NPC to get access to our ground mounts just because we walked somewhere. Why should I have to talk to an NPC to pull the Gyrocopter out of the same pocket I put the dragon in?

You keep talking about punishing failure and avoiding exploits and that doesn’t make sense; the point of Dragonriding is to go fast, not dictate whether you arrive at all.

I don’t mean to disable ground mounts altogether, just to be able to toggle between flying styles.

Why, though? Why disable the ability of a TBC Flight mount to fly just because you rode around on a dragon?

You should be able to pick between the old and the new, but you should be restricted in where you can switch this, so as to preserve the challenges of either riding style.

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A pox upon you. Pathfinding was the best.

Heck, they still will not release the numbers for sales BEFORE or even including launch day!

I can tell you with 99.999% accuracy, that the population playing now is a lot lower than the sales even were before, and including launch day.

Val is literally a lobby. I sit there for hours some times, watching the same players just zoning out, and then zoning back in the same spot just about every 30 to 40 minutes.

Its crazy.

And how does being able to swap between Dragonriding and TBC Flight on-demand, WITHOUT SPEAKING TO AN NPC, somehow invalidate the other riding style?

Because TBC riding would allow flying when you run out of vigor. I think this takes away from dragon flying.

Dragonriding allows you to move at speeds TBC Flight only dreams of. I think this takes away from TBC Flight.

The point is, both styles are just tools and both styles compliment each other; you Dragonride to get to a location quickly, then you use TBC Flight for an in-depth survey of the area. There’s no need to separate them via NPC, they already serve different enough functions as to be independent from one another.

But the question I have is what does this change? Most aren’t grounded. It takes A LOT for me to end up grounded— even while gathering.

So how does someone slow flying uo a mountain matter? What’s up there or.over there that even if I got grounded I still wouldn’t get to first if I stayed on my dragonriding mount?


I love dragon riding but it’s stupid not to have regular flying too. Just another case of them being stubborn over ridiculous things.


This would make sense if you have all the glyphs, but newcomers won’t. I’m trying to focus on the entire playerbase. Before I had them, I found myself grounded quite a bit, which encouraged me to actually go and get them all. I don’t think I would have liked it if I could just switch to another mount while I wait for vigor to replenish.

Because I think it takes away from the feature. I’m not saying that it’s game-breaking or a major exploit, but I would like to keep being grounded as a part of dragon flying (ironically).

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