Really? No Flying in next patch?

So I’m taxed time and FP gold just to do a race?

Both mounts are right there, in my log. Why couldn’t I just hop on the Gyrocopter once the Dragon’s purpose is served? Y’know, without having to make a visit to an NPC in Orgrimmar?

Literally no one asked for them to be enabled. Nor would they be. The game literally puts you on a dragonriding mount for races when you say you’re ready to do the course.

You still refuse to address anything I’ve said and have no actual argument here. So… moving on.

Citation needed

It’s gotten to the point with the anti normal flying crowd it’s like trying to reason with spoiled children. :person_gesturing_no: Oh well I’m off to checkout the 10.2 PTR.

I don’t know. It doesn’t seem spoiled child type to me. But I seriously don’t get all of these mental gymnastics and made up scenarios that don’t make sense. But it’s whatever. I’m going back to Palia, where at least they give me antlers that make me look like a druid without some stupid helm. lol

I try to find a compromise where both can be used. I suggest a simple restriction which is easy to use, never having said to require gold. And yet people insist that it should just be swapped between at will. I never intended to say, upon a new realization, that implementing old flying would break the game entirely. And my scenarios are “made up” when they are legit my own experiences with the game.

Oh well, I tried. Goodbye.

For people who cannot use dragonriding, there is that need for it to be enabled.

If it does, so will the disabled people you are trying to force out of the game. Many have already left because it didn’t seem to make sense to pay monthly for a top dollar game they had already bought, but were blocked from playing many features.

I’m sure the ADA likes to hear people give such ultimatums.

If “times changing” involves deliberately making the game inaccessible while trying to dupe those players into continuing to subscribe, gratz on scraping the bottom of the barrel.


You’re finding ‘exploits’ where none exist. You think that TBC Flight somehow invalidates Dragonriding despite the fact that both serve entirely different functions aside from aerial traversal.

TBC Flight cannot invalidate Dragonriding because it cannot do what Dragonriding does. Dragonriding cannot invalidate TBC Flight because it cannot do what TBC Flight does.



“it’s better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it”

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Interesting since subs seemed to have drop more than most prior expansions, meaning the majority of those that played this game disagree


Not saying it has no place, just pointing out that I can achieve the same outcome in a different way.

5,000,002 - 5,000,000 = 2

That’s a fun made up fact you have there, since all data from Blizzard says that player retention has been higher than most prior expansions.

But let me guess, your website that collects social media posts can prove that Blizzard lied to their investors.

I’m very curious to see what your special advanced client looks like with added animations. Because in the one most everyone else has it looks like this:

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The actual data says otherwise between M+ runs, Arena participation, and raid participation.

Considering Blizzard probably included Classic in their scenario? Yeah. A little white lie. They want to prove it? Release numbers of active players between both.

AKA: You have 3 stamina again, go collect all of the glyphs.

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Thats exactly what we are asking for LMAO! A switch somewhere. We do not or are we asking for the ability to instantly switch, and blizz would never go for such a far out idea.

Sheeesh man.

I was trying to explain it, but I guess I didn’t express it clearly enough. Others seemed quite combative at the idea of there being a switch. All I heard was “bring old flying back”. I wanted to make sure there were some limitations applied, but that both could exist.

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you do have a point here as much as i loathe to condone it.
Both Class trainers and now Flight trainers are now kind of pointless wastes of pixels in game

There’s no reason for a switch. You don’t have to go back to Stormwind to swap between your ground mounts and your aerial mounts, you shouldn’t have to go back to Stormwind to use your TBC Flight mounts and your Dragonriding mounts.

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