Really good Classic WoW review

Actually if you want to get rich, sell people garbage. That’s how mattress stores work. And that’s how Apple works.

Lol and that is also how every pokemon game since gen 4 works.


If you can do it better then step up and prove it. Dont be afraid, we will be waiting to see your take on things.

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I’m really starting to believe you’re right. I guess I didn’t grasp the lowness of the low expectations and poor quality people will accept and give money to.

I have a $999 piece of aluminum I want to sell.

So, something can’t be bad unless I can do it better?

Stop dodging and step up.

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Watch the movie “Wolf on Wall Street” if you want a watchable lesson this.

“Sell me this pen…”

See the thing Mad Season is selling is humility. Look at all the other streamers. HeY gUYs LiKe AnD SuBsCrIbE AND KISS* MY BOOTY WHILE YOU’RE AT IT!!!xDD

This guy comes out of left field and is just humble and almost subservient to his audience. It’s why people like their robot assistant voices to be female. So they can feel powerful when they are really not. etc.


Hey, if a depressed monotone narrator is the epitome of your video content world, then it shouldn’t be too hard to exceed that.

Again, I have nothing to do with how bad his vocal presentation is. But you keep deflecting.

You claim youre better; proove it.

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You guys keep comparing a bad slow speaker to a bad fast speaker.

The problem is, you kids have seen nothing but amateur videos on the interwebz since you were childrens.

So you think public speaking is defined by a skateboard influencer who dropped out in 8th grade.

What is your criteria for a good speaker? Downvotes? That would explain your debating skills.


And if I was terrible? Would that change the video you posted?

If I was magnificent and blew your mind…

Would that alter the sad puppy narrating the video you posted?

Quit dodging and prove it.

Just a word to the wise: Pafierra is a troll of the first order. He refuses to admit any point, but his own; his arguments are circular; his reasoning, fallacious; he suffers greatly from the Dunning-Kruger Effect.

I’ve already gone round with him, and all he did was troll me into not realizing that I was derailing a thread about Madseason. As hard as it is to not speak out against all the dumb crap he spouts, let it go–like Indiana Jones and the Holy Grail, let it go.


You probably have never watched the news. Professional journalists and broadcasters.

People with proper speaking voices, tones and phrasing. You were brought up on YouTube where any slacker with a microphone is a “broadcaster”.

You probably speak read and write like a fool IRL with your friends. 20 morons talking in a circle, the gibberish all sounds “proper”.

Again, you keep thinking bad is good.

Hardly a troll.

You can’t accept the truth because you’re a snowflake who can’t advance society because it might hurt someones feelings. Yet, all you do is attack me.

I am the only one in this thread not allowed to have an opinion.

By doing nothing but talking about Madseason.

you just finished calling him “bad” and “shy and afraid” what would you call that? constructive criticism is presented in a way that it should not be in degrading to the target rather than more inspiring on how to make it better, so yes I call that more shaming than criticizing.

my apologies for saying you couldn’t do it, I admit that was an assumption,. you made it sound like you were qualified to make the criticism based on knowledge. I will be expecting to see your work soon so we can make a proper comparison to what is bad compared to your perfection.


Again, deflecting. You can’t talk about Madseasons video in fear you may admit he’s Eeyore’s son. This thread isn’t about me. Please stay on topic.

Man, your a real piece of work. Hes not making shots in the nba. Hes making opinion based videos pertaining to World of Warcraft. His take is generally spot on and from the heart. He clearly loves the game and knows alot about it.

His vedeos are well edited, scripted, informational, funny and sometimes nostalgic. His voice has character. It sets him apart from everyone else.

I would suggest watching the entire video or several videos before making an attempt to characterize his entire body of work based on his voice and proclaiming yourself to be superior

But hey, thats just my opinion right?


Your arguments have more holes than an old mans T-shirt.

So far you have only made claims that you’re better and promoted your opinion as fact and then when confronted dodge.

You hide behind the “its my opinion” defense while also claiming it as fact.

Put up or shut up.