Really good Classic WoW review

This Classic WoW review is the most honest one I have seen.

If you’re curious about Classic WoW and you have never played this may help you get a small understanding of what Classic is.

[This thread has been locked before conversation could devolve even further - Forum Moderator]


MadSeasonShow actually streams on Twitch. He’s one of the few classic streamers that I can tolerate.


That Mad Season Show review is great. He always puts out quality content.



Paladins WILL BE one of the strongest Classes in the game.

If you would like to join a guild for Paladins feel free to add your name. We will take an alt Paladin if you will only play the Paladin as an alt. We’ll help level you up and what not to 60.

We need as many Paladins as we can get.

THE PALADIN Guild - Welcome


Mad Season Show is random? :thinking:



My favorite monotone commentator on a 15 year old game:)) His stuff is great.


Seen it, really liked it.

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Is it me or did this thread have a bunch of posts deleted? There are so many copy cat threads its hard to remember which ones I commented in or not. Lol

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interesting thanks, he us spot on with many points.

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Madseason releases my favorite WoW videos. He isn’t obnoxious, but laid back and cool. He loves Vanilla/Classic.


Right off the bat I take issue with him stating that blizzard compared the numbers to the “original release”. Their comparison is not the “original release” but rather the 1.12 version.

“Made an effort to gauge the difficulty of leveling in the game”… with a warlock character. :confused:

The rest seems decent.


Mads good stuff.

Saw this one before but it popped up in the sidebar while watching:

I like how he says he had a completely different video made then asked who he was making the video for then canned it for this one. Good take throughout.


Kind of like how some people prefer the Unarmored epic mounts

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See, here is where I admit my weaknesses. I don’t make videos because, frankly, I don’t know the procedure to produce them. If I had a producer, I could do twenty times better narrating a video then this guy. I have a great voice, I speak properly, I annunciate. I know the game.

Telling everyone that every time they fart it’s a miracle isn’t good.

Maybe, this guy reads my comments. Admits he could try not to sound asleep, and perks up a bit and makes better videos, they are already good. What’s wrong with being BETTER?

I know what you mean. I’m a better writer than Kurt Vonnegut, Henry Miller, and Douglas Adams put together. My weakness is that I don’t know anyone to help me publish my novels, so I haven’t written any. Why bother?

I with you, brother. The world will never know what it’s missing.


At this point it’s part of his shtick. He even makes fun of himself for it in other videos. And he sounds different when he streams.

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Hey, you never know what the world is missing. Some people are SOOOO close to being awesome at something.

They just need someone to come along and help them with that one aspect of what they need to be over the top good at something.

You know, like, someone saying, hey, dude, you sound like someone shot your dog, cheer up and do it better.

Again, learn to take criticism and stop deflecting. You immediately attacked ME. I can’t tell the waiter the food tastes like crap because I’m not a chef?

Dude made a nice video. If he TRIED HARDER (God forbid) it could be an excellent video.

You keep accepting mediocracy because you don’t want to hurt peoples feelings.

Again. What’s wrong with trying to be better?

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That wasn’t apparent to me but if it’s true changes my stance.

I stopped listening 20 seconds in. He sold me nothing. I don’t think you’re correct.

Not everyone needs to like it. Just enough people that it makes him that cold hard cash. And look at his view count.

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