Overall this was a good first step, i still think deathstrike could be totally unnerfed to what it was before but in anycase this will help
Im a bit disappointed there were no frost specific changes, mainly soulreaper having a counter productive effect on our rotation during burst, One can only hope they squeeze this one in before we sit a whole season with a completely counterproductive capstone talent
Just make it proc killing machine blizzard, please, Thats literally like all you have to do
I’m fairly sure they nerfed enfeeble. I’d re-read it. You can read that note either way.
I think the upcoming changes are healthy for PvP, but for frost dk the PvP trinket bonus changes specifically are going to hurt. Pillar scales really hard with strength so the trinket main stat nerf coupled with the stam buff is going to significantly hurt our only real opportunities to win games during pillar. Something like a 25% buff to frost strike/howling blast for sustain similar to what rets have received for blade of justice/crusader strike would have been appropriate imo.
The Spellwarden nerf is great. But I think they should remove today’s DS buff and remove the original 50% nerf to the damage taken from players that is still in effect. After doing the math, this is currently how much it will heal. (With Improved DS)
DS Min Heal is now 9.1% (From 6.8%)
DS Heal from players is now 16.25% (From 12.6%)
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With bigger health pools that is a slight buff to Death Strike since we scale on HP based. Overall good changes 
They nerfed Enfeeble by 33%. They nerfed Virulent Plague by 30%. They nerfed Necrotic Wounds by 20%. They nerfed Spellwarden by 33%.
Good changes? What?
Impacts Disease build primarily, won’t really affect pet builds or hybrid nearly as much.
Bit strange, but Unholy’s in a pretty solid spot, so combined with the previous I understand why they’re throwing this out there.
Honestly, it’ll free up a PvP talent slot against caster comps.
Don’t know why they did this.
Isn’t spell warden nerfed by 66%?
I run the pet build / hybrid builds. Virulent Plague is still a large portion of our DPS in an RBG / long arena match.
It’s not the end of the world, certainly, but I wouldn’t call these good changes overall.
Hah, right you are. Worse than I thought.
Seems maybe perhaps overnerfed the way deathstrike was but I guess we wait and see.
Massive nerf. At least i didnt have to bend over to casters like I do warrior.
I dont understand the dps nerf either… rot dmg is not the same as a 200k decree or now 200k MS.
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RIP spellwarden and plague build unholy I suppose.
theyre good changes because passive sustain is lame, Like i said in my post i expected to see deathstrike fully reverted but removing the 25% reduced effectiveness is a good start, if they continue to actually update their game on a regular basis like this its a good sign
The plague damage was justified lets not play pretend here or even act as if after the nerf rot damage wont still be fantastic, it seems the devs in general are just trying to lower damage as a whole so rot might even become more prevalent
Main issue is deathstrike healing itself was un-reduced. However I believe they still have the “damage healed by deathstrike that came from an enemy player” is still 50% reduced
Typical. They give us something cool and fun (plague build) and then nerf it. GG. Also improved death strike is still nerfed by a whopping 50%.
base deathstrike is more important than a talent
deathstrike might move your healthbar again though rather than doing 20k with ms applied
True but it seems like with these nerfs they just don’t want us to fulfill our niche (being strong against casters)
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