Really bro?

idk, check the logs. See if there’s any HM kills with/without either.

And you forget that even back in Vanilla, Paladins were not necessarily required either. Horde did not have Paladins.

But I wonder who made the majority of tanks in Vanilla?

That’s exactly what I was looking for. Thanks bud, Case closed.

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What, you think I’m gonna do some easter egg hunt for you? Go do your own homework.

I owe you nothing, especially when you call me a clown. Maybe if you’d treated others with a little more respect, you’d receive better responses.

You ask me for proof, so I’ll turn it back on you: show me proof that Warriors aren’t in top end guilds. I can show you they are.

Anyone with a brainstem knows to a reasonable degree that pretty much all HM runs to Algalon will feature 2-3 paladins most consistently in 10 man, and probably 4-6 in 25 man.

Saying otherwise is laughable.

You’re saying a 20-30% average represenation of paladins is appropriate? Get real.

Warriors could just respec to one of their other S tier specs. LOL


You only need like 2-3 for 25 man

You will prolly have 4 tho.

1 ret
1 prot
2 holy

Classes generally have at least one high performing spec. Different specs have their time in the sun for sure - but classes normally have at least one competitive option to raid on. The idea that it’s okay to bench whole classes in an expansion seems off. It conflates role with class in a way that is fundamentally unfair.

There’s a bit of caveat emptor with class selection in my view. If you roll a hybrid class you should be prepared to have to raid on any one of that classes roles and not only the one you prefer. Eg. Warriors should expect that they may not have a viable dps option and may need to Tank (or vice versa). But having no raid worthy roles is clearly problematic. This is where Warriors were at in p1. We were fortunate that the content was so easy guilds didn’t care about carrying dead weight.

Note, I’m refuting your reasoning but I’m not claiming that Warriors are actually currently not raid worthy. Warriors are starting to do okay, and they will be fine. If it were true that no Warrior spec was raid worthy then that definitely should be addressed and your argument against addressing it is flat out wrong - though I don’t think that’s true. Fury is starting to be good (middle of the pack). In ToGC they will be firmly in the middle.

Almost certainly.

Probably not.

Due to the ilvl boost, full bis Ulduar Warriors aren’t going to see too much gain in ToGC. They’ll solidify the position they currently have, edging ahead of Rets and Druids.

Also Shadow Priests are really strong. ICC is really where we’ll see Warriors starting to compete with the A tier dps - and possibly push close to S tier by ICC BIS.

I still don’t believe it.

It’s a bet in willing to make.

I think they stay C tier all the way thru.

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Yeah I’m not convinced either about Warriors ever hitting “S tier” - but it could happen. I think C tier is overly pessimistic. Probably low A in ICC bis - that would be my bet.

S is possible with Shadowmourne and DBW - but I’m not banking on it. It would take more than good scaling - amazing scaling to peg back a 15% difference in essentially one tier of gear. Warriors in full Ulduar BIS have significantly closed the gap though - so it’s possible. Fire mages (as you keep saying) will be pretty much untouchable though.

You can just google 3.3.5 dps rankings. And that’s not private server information. That was compiled from original Wrath logs. Fury is #1 in ICC.

That’s true, but we have seen a lot change between retail and classic even thus far. I’m not going to pretend I can predict how it will look overall for Classic ICC, but I do know that people seem to be talking about two different kinds of warriors here without appropriately differentiating them:

Those with Sm/DBW – and those without.

That difference alone could account for at least a tier bump upward, maybe more. Those without, if I had to guess, will probably be mid to high B tier, assuming their performance is quite good.

You talking in WoTLK? Yes those are called shockadins. My pally who is now in retail went through all of Wrath as either full ret or a self made Shockadin spec. You cannot do a true Shockadin spec in retail WoW anymore. That goes away forever once Wrath is over.

As my old shockadin, I was able to dps down warriors and dks and other pallies who were ret spec in arenas with it. It is very powerful.

And also, go fury arms with some prot mix if you want to do well as a war. Topping DPS try out more for arms no SMF in Cata to replace TG. SMF vs TG needs two diff set of stats and gems to work out on a war.

This is a PvE issue that warriors are having. PvP and PvE in Wrath are two different games. Top class in an arena can be worst in a raid in Wrath.

Yeah but I still don’t believe it.

I mean I’m more than happy to be wrong I just don’t think they’re going to jump up that high.

95th percentile isn’t “Steadily” ahead, on average they are below as you can see in the link you yourself posted.

I am gonna stick to what I said… there is no issue, warriors are viable… they just aren’t the meta atm.

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You don’t need any paladins technically.

The point I’m making is what happens in actuality.

Try to keep up

It’s the same thing you see in League of Legends. The pros/influencers player certain champs all the time, create a meta, people obsess over “win %” and play those champions disproportionately, despite plenty of others being actually viable.

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I mean in your small view of the game im sure that everyone is bringing 8 pallys and 0 warriors because how else would you come to the forums to cry?

I actually saw in one of the top guilds (100% parsers) that they had 5/5 on Ret/Fury. Even participation.

While they did have a lot of holy/prot paladins, they still had 3-4 warrior tanks, which was their 2nd most popular tank.

What was more striking was the EXCESSIVE number of Death Knights (DPS) and Warlocks. And get this, no Feral tanks. I think there was also only 1-2 Death Knight tanks.