Really bro?

Look at the terrible position warriors are in right now.
This is sad.
A healer with good gear could match the DPS of a good warrior…

We just want to play a class that we enjoy and be competitive with our peers.

It’s no fun when nobody wants you in their raid because your DPS is on par with a healer.
And you are forced to play a class you do not enjoy just to be able to experience content.

Sad :cry:


Have you checked arena ladder though? Warriors are fine, at least they get better later on.


If you look at the range, bottom right image, warrior is not all that bad.

It’s practically identical to MM, Feral & ret. Not too far behind Desto Locks either.


And? We all knew this going in, no changes should be made and no changes should have been made.

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Here is the newest rankings instead of the 3 week old ones posted. Warriors are beginning to climb and are steadily ahead of rets now as hardmode gear is being obtained.

At lower gear levels, the rets are beating wars.

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We’re talking about PVE here, try and keep up


So you mean to say that as warriors get gear they scale in their damage output? Interesting…interesting…


What are you talking about?
Look at the charts you just linked warriors are literally at the bottom and are 1/3 of the DPS of the top five.

You can only measure them off boss fights.

You can’t take over all damage into consideration because that’s trash mobs.

No One DPS class should be 1/3 of the DPS of the top five classes…

Just curious - Which account did you switch from and start posting on this?

On boss fights in the 95%+ percentile warriors are ahead of rets now. The 95% percentile is used because it the best representation of gear scaling and people who play their class correctly.

Overall statistics are worthless because the include people in blues and greens.

Warriors won’t even become viable DPS until the end of ICC when they’re in full ICC gear

That is the end of wrath…
They won’t become viable until the game is over…

They will absolutely be ahead of the middle of the pack in full TOGC gear.

Your lies have no power here…

We literally linked the Warcraft logs…

Yes, you linked old and outdated logs.

I linked the newest ones that show furys ahead of rets and marks.

This is what matters.

there is at least a few months of P2 left and the entirety of P3 which will have more gear upgrades. Warriors will continue to outscale rets and other classes/specs that are lower on the rankings.

Warriors are the long game for sure.

Wonder if you have any colorful post history regarding paladins using this as reasoning as well?

Either way, I agree buff warriors.

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Thank you for proving my point…

Both warrior DPS specs are at Rock bottom
Meanwhile only the hunters worst spec is near the bottom yet still above both warrior specs it the hunters other spec is way up in the charts

Ret is still below warriors and I expect them to remain there. Both ret and warriors will climb, warriors will outpace them.

Ret should be at the bottom they already have s+ tier tank and s+ tier heals…

Argue for holy/prot nerfs then. Not for being ahead of a damage spec that holy/prot have no impact on.

Why do paladins cry about everything… seriously why is that?