Really bro?

Fire mage is top dog starting in TOGC.

Our tier becomes nuts.

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Indeed. I’m planning to switch my arcane mage over to fire once TOGC is out.

The 2 of you can reroll if you like. I’ll stay with what I love.

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Make the switch now.

I’m double fire specs.

Is he really talking about the meme tank “Gladiator” spec as a real dps parse? lol? Also, nobody expects Arms to be all that good and someone has to be at the bottom, so this whole thread strikes me as super strange.

Warrior is fine.

I’m pretty sure a majority of players knew that Warriors performance would be like this just like how I’m sure that a majority knew how Ret Paladins were going to be.

Seems fine to me, classes take turns at the top… warrior spent classic and tbc at the top or near it… you’ll be alright.

Hunter alternative - Survival
Druid alternative - Boomkin (or resto)
Paladin alternative - Holy & Prot S-Tier
Warlock alternative - Affliction

Warrior Alternative - ARMS = LAST ON THE LIST - Protection = dominated by paladins

Get a grip brother, warriors “best” DPS spec is as good as other classes Worst.

Fix this garbage.


Until rets got buffed…

I still think that it was unnecessary.


Right, because its far easier to switch to tanking/healing gear, than it is to switch to different DPS gear, right? It’s not like someone has to rebuild their characters armor set, get new weapons, enchants, gems, not to mention learn a new playstyle AND new role to use those S tier roles, right?

And what if the raid doesn’t need tanking/heals? Ret is the only DPS spec we have. I repeat, the only DAMAGE DEALING ROLE we have.

Now, I would have played to ICC regardless of the buff we got. We got a 10% buff. That’s it. Nothing to mald or seethe over.

You sound pressed. Ret’s are most usefull if they take the warrior OT role, so they have a tanking set. A stand alone ret is griefing.

Any raid would be more than happy to have Multiple prot & holy paladins.

Now since you’re a bit touched, lets flip what you said on its head. If a warrior only wants to DPS, his alternative spec is ARMS, which is comically last on every list, and will be for eternity. Essentially meaning we also have one DAMAGE DEALING ROLE YET we do not have 2 other specs that are THE BEST OF THE BEST

You seem perfectly smitten with that because you got what you wanted.

You are an absolute clown. Your two alternate specs are the best any raid has.

Arms = Not an option
Prot = A ret with an OT spec is preferred. A DK with an OT spec is preferred.

Do you understand little boy?

What are you new? Its so easy to gear up a character. You can Tank/Heal to get your BiS ret gear. You can OT to get your ret gear. If you purely come to a raid as strictly a ret, you are an actual piece of garbage that brings nothing to this community.

Sorry to squash your RP Arthas dream, but you as a paladin have the best alternative specs of any class in this game. Both are equally as good.

A warrior does not have a sought after alternative. Arms is not playable, and protection is outclassed by Paladins & DK’s (due to the superiority of their other specs.)

We are going to call this Paladin Privilege Ohhh poor paladins, only have one DPS spec. Sure sweetie we will buff it for you :slight_smile:

If that’s not malding and seething, I don’t know what is :smiley:

If I’m looking at the logs right now, at the very highest tiers of gear, Fury is starting to outpace Ret. So by the time ToGC comes out, that gap should widen.

As far as ICC goes, who knows how Armor Pen is going to pan out? People can toss around simulations all day, but real live data is going to matter most.

As for Warriors other specs? Well, that’s the Blizzard pendulum of balance for you. I’m not going to mock Warriors like you did Paladins, but back in Vanilla we really only had 1 viable raiding spec. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone, and I still say Fury is viable right with us, but since you don’t, now you know how it feels.

Hey guys, it’s Kalgan’s alt account!

I mean, I could say the same of your RP Kratos dream if you’re Fury. Silly games = silly prizes.

Look you don’t have to like the buff. And you don’t have to like the logic Blizzard used when they implemented it. But the reality is we are mostly tied with Fury Warriors for DPS. The world didn’t end, Arthas didn’t freeze Azeroth.

You just got mad about it.

And for the record, I never really whined for a buff in the first place. Feel free to check my post history. At best, I made light recommendations, but also told people to chill out with Ret.

The truth is, if anyone is acting like a petulant child, it is you.

Didn’t ask

You’re too fkn dense to explain the importance of class diversity. Its not about what I want, its about proper class representation. But you’re set in your clown arss ret ways. There is no use with you.

See, two can play this game.

Silly games = silly prizes.

Do I spot a white flag of surrender? I think I do.

I’ll be sure to communicate my stubborn Ret only ways to the Prot/Fury players I play with.

You even stated it yourself. Viable.

Just answer these two questions simply.

Can you run an Ulduar HM clear without a Paladin? Yes or no

Can you run an Ulduar HM clear without a warrior? Yes or no

No semantics, no BS. Just the class, any spec.

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