Take a look at actual Algalon class representation instead of writing replies and you’ll be able to elucidate yourself on the matter.
I don’t need to I actually kill Algalon unlike you and we bring a warrior.
Sorry but you can kill Algalon with warriors, sure you aren’t stacking them but we also aren’t stacking Rets.
You’re on that copium if you think you need a buff
I didn’t ask for a buff, I asked for a nerf.
Try to keep up.
Also it doesn’t matter what can do Algalon, what matters is who’s actually being taken to these runs for the sake of consistent kills. And the classic community has decided as a whole that paladin tanks are S tier while the other tanks are B or at best B+ tier.
It’s indefensible, especially after that same S tier class was buffed in its other spec.
It does matter.
Warriors are still being brought for all kills and with all specs.
These opinions were largely formed through online influencers, confirmation bias, and a gross lack of in-game testing/observation.
The fact that people can and do bring Warriors to Alg clears is the crucial point of importance on whether buffs/nerfs are needed.
I personally would like to see Prot Wars get a moderate buff, but not because they can’t do it, rather because I would like to see the ergonomics of playing them smoothened out a bit and to more tightly define their tanking identity as the top physical mitigation choice.
Don’t let metas fool you or distort your perceptions. There’s a huge difference between the bandwagon view of things and how they actually are.
They were formed through looking at the proportion of classes for Algalon kills.
And what do you think informed the selection of those classes prior to those kills?
The Pserver culture, people running sims (and those taking them far too seriously), Youtubers/Twitchers, etc were all perpetuating this “common opinion” before anyone had even tried it.
It’s not a common opinion when it’s backed up by stats, unless you want to refer to “Statistically verified reality” as “common opinion”.
You think people just need to ‘believe’ in prot warrs, blood dks and bear druids to overcome this problem?
I think it’s because of people pushing this view–as you do–that they are reluctant to give those other options a chance. I know for a fact that Warriors can handle Alg just fine. DKs/Druids might be a different story, but I’m certain about Warriors.
I love Warrior as a class, and I recognize Pally are strong, but people are exaggerating this “War vs Pal” nonsense to such a degree that it’s rapidly losing touch with reality.
It’s not exaggerated given ret paladins were buffed, when their other two PvE specs are S tier. I’m fine with all PvE specs being viable pertinent to roles, but ret was only lacking in damage. They have buffs and dsacs that are still highly useful.
The buff was as warranted as the nerf to prot paladin. When you start seeing “LFTank 10 man ulduar” instead of “LF Prot Pal 10 man Ulduar” I’ll accept things are right.
You really have to get over this Ret buff issue, man. You can’t blame everything in the game on it.
Name “everything” I’m blaming?
I’m literally sticking to one point- Prot paladins are overtuned and it’s detracting from the diversity of classes that are tanking in raids.
What does Ret have to do with Prot? I see you conflating the argument around Ret all the time.
It’s the same class, dual spec is a thing.
Are you serious?
They aren’t the same spec. They aren’t even the same role. They have completely different purposes. Why do you care if Ret got buffed a little?
I care because the class is already the most OP in PvE to begin with, there are several classes more deserving of buffs than ret.
I agree that others could use buffs, but why do you care if Ret was?
Because it makes no sense.
Ofc it doesn’t–it’s Blizzard, lol
So what is your point? Just do and say nothing?
F**k it let’s give Paladins a 1000% health increase, after all it’s ‘crazy blizz’ right