Really bro?

You should probably read your comments back to yourself before deciding to press the “Reply” button. It’s really not putting forth your best foot…

What was that about Fury warriors being behind ret paladins? Oh right Fury only beats ret if you aren’t a dog player. Woof woof.

They’re not behind Ret Paladins though. Fury is currently ahead of Ret…

They were a couple of weeks ago - are you dragging up an old conversation and old data? You do realise data changes over time right? Over the last 2 weeks Fury has overtaken Ret in the 95 percentile range. A range I think is a reasonable point that isn’t as influenced by rng factors as the 99 and max percentiles.

It may have slipped you comprehension but my actual stance has also changed … you know, to fit the new data … My position matches where I said it would if the data went in the direction it has. Namely - that Fury are now doing okay and a buff is unnecessary. My comments on the data two weeks ago are relevant to two weeks ago … you’re assuming I am “anti-Ret” and acting in bad faith - I’m not. I’m aligning my views to the actual data. Again you need to get over your “us and them” chip on your shoulder.

Maybe I am. And you are very insecure and uninteresting … can’t win them all.

  1. “Insecure” because you consistently refer to your logs and trash talking my parses rather than present the data you claimed to have. No-one cares if you’re a parse lord.

  2. “Uninteresting” due to having nothing of value to say - no constructive point or input that is on topic.

Also - why have you held onto this for two flipping weeks dude? Has no-one ever had a different opinion to you before or something?

If you trash talk me again I’m putting you on ignore. Be constructive or keep schtoom. Insulting people you disagree with is a mark of ignorance. Ironically we don’t even disagree … but you don’t know it.


I think the issue here is you forgot to take “oat” out of his name to realise why he’s the way he is. Anyone can parse on high level stimulants.

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Is that all? Man, I’ve been missing out all this time…

Sorry you’re getting all this flak Riger. Not sure what that dude’s problem is.

We actually recruited a few DPS warriors and ran most of Ulduar today (normal modes, so chill). One in particular was a real pumper.

And we actually fought Algalon 10m on Sunday for the first time without a Prot Pally. I personally think the Warrior/DK did very well, and we got Algalon to 40%.

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Yep it’s all coming together :slight_smile:

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I guess for every Bladetsar/Yama coming for Paladins, there’s an equal number of arrogant/clueless Paladins attacking others.

“Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.” - Thanos probably.

No they haven’t…

Liars will be lying

That’s a respectable stance to have.
The rets should really shut up now. Lest they remind everyone why they were so hated on this forum.

Logs say otherwise.
Try again.

It’s rather annoying because they should be grateful for the bone that was thrown their way.
I have no issues with pallies (I have a tank/ret one myself), but some of the players… wow.

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Logs are literally posted at the beginning of this thread.

Try again.

I’m convinced that the fury masquerading as a pally is just terrible at his class.

And more recent logs were posted after your older one.
Try again.

Since you are either being intentionally dishonest or clueless, here’s the link that was provided to you:

This shows that Fury is overtaking Ret in the 95% bracket… So? That’s my claim dude. We are starting to do okay.

By the way all this depends on the following claims:

  1. Are we scaling better than Ret? Yes yes we as are.

  2. Are we competitive in Ulduar - not really. We’re approaching middle of the pack. Viable but not good and on the low end.

  3. Are we likely to improve enough to be firm middle of the pack in TOC? Yes, accounting for a narrower gear gap than originally we will be about middle of the pack. By ICC we’ll actually be good. Maybe not great but good.

Do we need a buff now to get to a point we’ll reach anyway in around 8 weeks time? No, I don’t think we do.

That’s all separate from the question as to whether buffs should be considered at all.

The way Blizzard dealt with this was horribly flawed and does open the door to ongoing balance changes (and community driven campaigns for them) down the line whether they wanted it to or not.


Like I’ve always said… Warriors will be fine. :bat:

Good warriors will be fine. OP obviously doesn’t fit that bill.


I’m far from good. Very average and casual.

But the numbers show that as we all get better used to the mechanics the average is slowly improving. Also removing Hodir from the parse list helps.

If you look at the boxplot the outliers on 99 and max always did okay. That’s largely due to RNG. However, the 95 percentile shows the upper (performance) end of the “box”. Where the best performers of the main distribution are. It’s actually a moving point but as generalisations these hold. There’s real improvement there but the “average” - 50-75 is still performing poorly.

TOGC is mechanically much more melee friendly. I am expecting the average (me) to perform much better there. Encounter design has a big impact on performance. Especially when not looking at peak performers. Balance shouldn’t just be around peak performance. The average player should be viable. But encounter design has a lot of impact on that so it’s harder to measure.

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