Really bro?

You’re not too bright are you?
Look at the first post I linked wowheads Warcraft logs of every single character that’s ever been through Ulduar…

Those aren’t personal Warcraft logs…

Nah, the gap is more to do with a mix of rng and kill times and aligning buff windows (often outside the individual players control.

Average Warriors are not worse than average Warlocks at playing the game.

There is a lot of bad everything out there…

That’s why wowhead has compiled the Warcraft logs of every character…

You’re not too bright are you?

ok so look at the 95th percentile, fury is literally in the middle. It will increase from here

Instead we get excuses like “it’s rng and kill times” yes better guilds have faster kill times and better players.

Kologarn is a perfect fight for Fury. Using that as an example shows your bad faith arguement.

That’s not an excuse mate. It is how it is. That’s how gear scaling works. Buffs and buff windows impact you more. That’s the class and how it works though.

This doesn’t mean we need a buff.

If you honestly believe that the Warrior player base just play the game worse than say Warlocks then … Well you’re funny lol.

The reason Warriors have a large gap between the average and the top is skill yes but also that the class is heavily dependent on gear and buffs. So, faster kills, and optimised buff windows matter more. That’s not an excuse for anything - it’s just how it is.

By the way, I agree that the 95 percentile is a good measure. 99 and max favour good rng too much. But 95 is a good capture point. Based on the 95 point Warriors are picking up.

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Hush, adults are talking.

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Well any idiot could do high dps on a warrior in BWL, now every class has a rotation and so some people struggle more than others.

Still, above the 90th percentile warriors are middle of the pack, and itemization will get even better for warriors in TOGC, and better still in ICC. If they buffed warriors now…knowing how itemization will continue they would then need to be nerfed 3-4 months later so what’s the point?

You realise those fotm warriors that hurt your feelings in classic vanilla are all playing DKs now right? Look at the population data - they’re not all still playing Warriors.

I don’t think we disagree about how Warriors are doing. But lose the chip on your shoulder dude.


It’s rather comical seeing the fury warriors become the new obnoxious and toxic class of the forum.
You all sound just as bad as the pre-buff rets.
Hope being despised by the rest of the player base is worth the slight increase in dps.

Who are you kidding? Everyone hated us long before this, all the way to Vanilla, including the developers.

And before you say it, I’ll bet this is the part where someone says:

Well that’s because Rets are whiny, etc. you deserve it, go heal/prot, Rets are the worst, rah rah rah.

Save it. I’ve heard it all before.

Maybe if Kalgan, Tigole and Furor actually started developing the game without inherent biases/hatreds, we wouldn’t be in the position we are now. Maybe its not our fault. Have any of you considered that the blame doesn’t rest solely on our shoulders?

No not the entire warrior player base, just you.

I hear even the warrior god himself rerolled lock for wotlk.

Forget his name.

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Yes, so much warrior toxicity … /s
You’re not even arguing a point, just entering the thread to hate on warrior players. I don’t even think Warriors need a buff and you’re still hating. Lots of anger going on …

It sort of amazes me that there is so much deep seated hate about a fantasy class people choose to play in a video game driven from two expansions ago. Maybe if you don’t want toxicity in a thread don’t be toxic? Just a thought.


Warlocks are scared of losing their current crown to Warriors in ICC … but they should be looking elsewhere …

Fire Mage is going to be straight up unbeatable.


Its just a game. Why are people so mad?

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Warriors are good? Not sure what this post is all about….

Well folks got tired of rets constantly whining and rightfully so.
You might not be the one crying but plenty of fellow Furies are.
This specific thread, for example, has multiple furies acting like rets (and furies are STILL ahead of rets even AFTER the minor buff they got).

warrior yes do damage :))))))))))

What insult?