Ironic as a paladin is crying about how bad warriors are.
This paladin is calling out an injustice, I’m sticking up for The warriors.
You insult me for doing that because your a terrible human being
after dealing with the egos of warriors in classic as a healer…I hope they stay at the bottom.
You sound like a wonderful human being
after getting screamed at for putting a bubble on a warrior to save their lives and being blamed for them not getting a high parse because it pushed off a buff…
a lot of people struggle to have sympathy for the class that was catered to and stacked, continued to do extremely well on meters in the next expac…and is complaining that half of WoTLK they’re at the bottom.
Here’s the tiniest violin.
One person made you mad so now you’re mad at everybody…
Also this is coming from the most OP class in nearly ever expansion warlock…
Sounds like you got some maturing to do
Sure but that’s a different objection. One I don’t disagree with actually - whether it is worth buffing dps Warriors at all given how temporary it would be.
So, it doesn’t seem to me that buffing TG would seriously impact PVP. But the question is whether it’s worthwhile in the first place - probably not at this point.
Good thing Blizzard listen closely to the unbiased community and forums to work out how to fairly address class balance. /s
Player feedback can’t be trusted with this stuff. We are the polar opposite to objective (as the quoted comment demonstrates).
If Blizzard wanted to seriously engage in balancing classes they should literally ignore the player base, set up performance thresholds and compare spec performance against those thresholds - do the work. Asking the players how they think the game should be balanced is like asking children who should get the ice-cream.
Warriors should get more ice cream
Idk what youre on about xd warriors are good lol they require decent gear but they pump and will only get better
I see you drank that Kool-Aid
Warrior damage is literally on par of healer DPS.
It won’t become viable until they have full ICC gear.
The expansion is over at that point.
Gee golly we get to show our elite DPS to the target dummy alone in org because The expansion is over
Whatever you say man xd if your entire raid parses 98+, fury warrior will be #1 on kologarn, a top contender at aoeing down trash making the raid go faster, high on the auriaya meter aswell, not to mention freya. And if by some miracle you have a regular guild with different skill levels (the case for all the guilds ive been in), you could be a carry dps for your team.
There isn’t a single warrior carrying anybody.
Raids won’t even take them unless it’s their buddy.
H+ five man groups leave when they see a warrior in the group.
They’re The lowest on every DPS meter except trash.
Any raid would be a fool to bring one
Yeah they’re doing just fine… smfh
Both the raids my raid team runs recruited Fury warriors for Ulduar at the end of last phase.
Keep coping xD #1dps parse on kolo is ahlaundoh, fury warrior. I was #4 dmg for all encounters last week in my team, like i said, not all members of a raid team are on the same level, would it be the case in a 98+ parse guild? Probably not, but thats not the reality for alot of guilds. Theres 4 fury warriors in the top 25 all star dps for heroic plus dungeons. I rest my case, keep living with your delusions.
If you have a warrior top DPS you have some lame dummies in your raid
Fury is also very good on XT and Mim.
LOL you’re being too obvious, man. You can do better than this.
You’re so bad that I literally linked Warcraft logs on the first post…
Both warrior specs dead last…
But you continue to argue that facts aren’t real and we should not believe our lying eyes.
Go away sweat lord troll
It’s interesting comparing logs. The quality of the raid group makes a difference.
Warriors are very gear and buff dependent. A raid that calls for Bloodlust/heroism correctly such that the buff window aligns with trinket procs and such will see their warriors doing a lot better than a raid that doesn’t.
So, there is a disparity there between the good and the average that is wider than other specs.
RNG is a big part of this but not all of it.
But it is encouraging to see some Warriors starting to do pretty well. That will flow on to the majority next phase.
The horse has really bolted for Warrior buffs. Nax was probably when it would have made a difference but the content wasn’t really challenging enough to warrant it.
Fury Sims are over predicting how good we are. We won’t hit the peaks that were expected. But we are fine.
There is a wider conversation (beyond Warriors) to be had about how Blizzard should engage with class balance in WoTLKC though.
the top end of fury dps are literally right in the middle of the chart, and will only increase going forward. There’s just a lot of really bad warriors out there.
Yes across all percentiles fury drops way down, but it’s not “healer dps”