Really bro?

Whatever man, I tried.

Woof woof woof woof is all I’m reading dog

Did you say the same thing to the ret paladins?

  1. Increase Divine Protection’s CD to the % based equivalent of Shield Wall (they’re 50% and 60% respectively while being a 2min vs 4min CD with talents [or 3mins and 5mins normally]). The Paladin talent for this ability is also a greater % CD than it is for shield wall, while also provided 4% stamina so this should be accounted for.

I can see that you want to bring the classes closer to some kind of equality, but this era of Blizz designed around “asymmetric balance,” not homogeneity. I think it would be better to aim for each class having stronger strengths relative to other classes, which plays into point 3 later.

  1. Create a secondary taunt for both Druid and Warrior (Druid could be Faerie Fire or Feral Charge potentially, Warrior could be Heroic Throw). This wouldn’t completely be equivalent as both Paladin taunts are on far lower CDs, plus one taunts 2 targets. However Warrior does get mocking blow so that brings us up to three taunts overall.

3 taunts might be a bit much, especially for Warrior since they have better mobility than any other tank. Taunt + Mocking seems okay. I agree with giving another one to DK, but their threat generation is actually quite strong when played well, so it’s a bit arguable how important this would be. I could go either way for Druid, tbh; anything to give players more reason to Bear seems like it’s probably good.

  1. Have Druids able to AoE better, possibly adding another target to Swipe in order to maintain threat across bigger groups. I’m hopelessly unaware of how DKs work but I’m fairly certain they suffer from AoE threat as well given me dpsing as fury with DKs as tanks. Greater consideration could be given to this for them.

DKs pretty much have to spec for their AoE. I know people think going deep into Frost for tanking is meme, but it has a lot of benefits. The biggest drawback is that it relies on your healers actually being good. The real issue here is that buffed Ulduar edges them out, so we’re stuck with Blood (and less aoe) as a result.

As for Bears, I think their aoe is actually quite good. What they suffer from is an indirect nerf in Wrath compared to Vanilla/TBC because a lot of leather doesn’t come with bonus armor anymore and (so far as I’m aware) they didn’t receive a compensation buff to their armor scaling. I would look to provide them a bit more utility to round them out, but avoidances would be perfectly fine as well.

  1. Reduce Shield Block with talents to 30s CD. It makes no sense Paladin gets a consistent uptime of blocks on such a short CD. This would at least allow Warriors to have 20s of free mitigation time and 10s of blocking available.

I agree that it’s backward for Paladin to have full uptime on it and Warriors don’t. I would either reverse that or bring Warriors up to also have full uptime. Given that quite a bit of the spec design revolves around blocking, I’d prefer the latter.

  1. Ardent Defender probably needs an equivalent for all classes but I’ll leave it at the first four for now.

AD is a mistake. The most radical position I hold with regard to Paladins is that I would actually remove AD from the game. Nobody else needs/gets it, and Paladins in particular don’t.

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This is an un-equivical arguement dude

this is like saying sub rogue is awesome in pve cause they dominate pvp

or frost mage is fine in PVE because they are god tier in PVP

your argument is also absurd considering some people dont even pvp, they are here for the raids

sod off with your disingenuous arguments

Posting in a buff fire mage thread

Huh? This thread is about Warriors.

Makes a post crying.

Calls out people for crying.

Sounds about right.

How isn’t this just “crying about crying?”

Can we discuss the issue or does everything have to be a childish ego tantrum and/or mud-slinging?

Not anymore

What are you talking about? Are you looking at “Gladiator Warrior”? Those are the only ones that you can say are 1/3 of anyone else.

I mean fury wars getting a buff would obviously be a personal attack on me… because ummm


Its almost like PvE’rs don’t realize that changing PvE warriors would directly buff PvP. Maybe instead of just brainlessly asking for buffs, make a suggestion that could buff one aspect of the game and not the other.

I’d also like to mention that we all are aware of the DPS monsters fury becomes in ToC/ICC. Why would Blizzard buff something now, just to have to nerf it later? Warriors were the go-to DPS in vanilla, did surprisingly well in TBC, and now you have to wait your turn in WOTLK, but instead are acting like crybabies.

I get that you’re taking this personally because you (for some reason) are playing fury/arms during the worst phases to go warrior, but use common sense. There’s literally no reason to buff warriors right now. If anything, Blizzard should be looking at prot instead of fury/arms.

This has been my position as well.

I really cant express how hilarious it is that the class that has dominated the DPS ladder, phase in phase out, since P1 Vanilla, is now crying that they aren’t viable… Just delicious tears I tell you what

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I couldn’t be happier with this outcome

Warrior tears sustain me

I’ve mained a Shaman for most of my WoW years, so I’m not too concerned about who is topping parses as much as just who gets excluded from raids entirely. I don’t believe Warriors are right now, except in the case where they face biases based on bad public perception. The best players know good Warriors are just fine, so they still include them.

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Okay I really don’t get your point here. Buffing Prot Warriors will almost certainly impact PvP, but who on earth PvPs as Fury? There’s no Fury comp. It’s literally the opposite to what you’re claiming.

If you were going to buff Warriors in a way that didn’t impact pvp it would have to be high up in Fury wouldn’t? I mean what impact would a buff to Titans grip have on PvP?

And this is exactly why “community feedback” should have no place in determining class balance priorities. Because players are necessarily tribal, biased, and self interested. Such things should be data driven.

Otherwise you get a sort of forum PvP where players of various classes try to dominate each other via petition.

BTW the irony of Warriors being being told by a Mage that they had their time in vanilla Classic …

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Shouldn’t be any class balance in this version anyway

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Its just the invetiable part of an old MMO, certain classes and specs bring better benefits to a raid team. If you want to play a warrior, you’re gonna have a harder time finding a group to raid with, but it wont be impossible. I just find it funny that they act like its the end of the world, when things are really on the up and up for them. Once armor pen becomes more available, and gear becomes available. they will scale really well, yet its still “woe is me” like they havent been dominating dps leaderboards since 2019