Really bro?

Again… tell yourself whatever you need to tell yourself to feel better about your opinions.

Keep pushing your narrative bud.

It’s irrelevant to tanking, but it isn’t irrelevant to the way in which players should now view class balance.

Edit: Are you reserving your defence for why you said that? If so I’m glad you finally concede you brought it up as a means to justify your position that warriors should be in a rough spot this expansion.

He didn’t say they should be in a rough spot. He didn’t even acknowledge that they supposedly are. He only said it’s no longer their time to be on top.

It’s late, I’m tired, time to sleep. Maybe take a break and come back fresh. You seem a bit wound up atm.

Yeah pretty much.

I think Ret was actually viable before it got buffed but it was actually a bit borderline. The buff itself didn’t go overboard. It’s not surprising it is controversial as it was on the line and happened as a community induced backflip (for a class that has the largest active population in the game).

It wasn’t necessarily the wrong move balance wise but it was political suicide for Bliz. Pick the favourite class for a buff to a struggling spec and ignore the other less popular obvious contenders - based on popular demand - it was never going to end well.


Well it struck me as shadenfreude. The invocation of the other expansions is irrelevant, even moreso than you claim ret buffs are irrelevant.

I have nothing to defend, you keep pushing a bogus narrative and putting words in my mouth. So why shouldn’t I, at this point just keep repeating the same thing over and over? You aren’t gonna randomly grow up.

You didn’t justify your position. I purported why you said that and all you said was “Don’t tell me what I’m implying” or other such drivel.

Go on, why did you invoke the other expansions. Otherwise I’ll believe in the only line of reasoning offered - my own.

It seems that’s the only line you’ll listen to anyway. :man_shrugging:

Here you go bud, I said what I said and you made more out of it then it actually is.

Well I’ve justified my position, the stats of representation of prot paladins to other tanks doesn’t lie. The abilities offered to paladin tanks vs other tanks doesn’t lie.

You’ve told me it’s just an issue of perspective. Pretty weak if you ask me. I could say shamans are viable tanks and it’s just a matter of perspective, streamers poo-pooing them etc. but any logical person would be able to point to the stats and mechanics of the class to justify that shaman tanks don’t work.

Gwen- Glad you’ve conceded the point.

I could list the abilities of any class in their best light and those of another in their worst and claim, “Abilities don’t lie.” Seems pretty weak to me.

Well go on then. I’m referring to the aggregate of abilities offered to paladins, I’m not cherry picking.

Is there a situation that two taunts is worse than one?

I know.


That’s all you’ve sounded like this whole time. Your class isn’t weak, it’s just not meta and you aren’t good at the game, so you can’t get over that hump.

You’ve truly descended into childishness Gwen, congrats.

You couldn’t defend your point so you’ve resorted to behaving like a toddler.


I mean, try?

Quit behaving like a child, it’s embarrassing. But I appreciate the bumps to the thread so Blizzard can get off their collective butts and nerf prot paladins.

Blizz won’t do anything, bro. They’ve given up on Classic and we can all see the writing on the wall.

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Well that’s fine if you want to engage defeatism but that doesn’t make me wrong.

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Ah… at least you are being honest now.

I would love to be wrong about that! lmao