Realistic M+ Suggestions

1 charge
24 hour cooldown
Shuffle key to another dungeon of same level
Completing a key takes (key level * 10) minutes off the cooldown

Inb4: another squish! Heroics are for the 1% now!

Wow… that seems so low.

Mythic is truly fun. I dunno what I would have been working on without it.

Sure it was. Just as Delves is a great addition. The M+ problem is far and wide and it seems you are not seeing the forest through the trees even when Blizzard has openly shown graphs and admitted participation is down and M+ is not fun.

That’s exaggerated. A +2 is just like a +4 in Shadowlands. If you enjoy M+2 to M+10 before, you just do M+2 to M+5 right now. I don’t need M+15+ to be KSM. I got KSM with just 4x +7 and the rest are +6’s. You can now get Vault from Heroic and Mythic 0.

And you have Delves. And catch up stuffs are also available now… Citrine Ring, Timewalking Weekly gets you Hero gear once per week, Crests costs reduced (45 runed = 15 gilded). Too much whining when it is all easier now.

Regarding OP’s suggestions, players would just abuse it where they would use their key to the easiest and fastest… all you would see on Dungeon Finder would be all Dawnbreaker. And you wont see Grim Batol, Siege of Boralus ever on Dungeon Finder. And I love them regardless if it takes forever.

The only fix to M+ is giving me and all my homies a +29 clear for free. We deserve it for all the hard work we haven’t put into this game.

Exactly! You cleared a 7? Cool, now do an 8. Once you clear an 8 then you can do a 9. And allow access to the for the season.

No decay, no depletion. You can continue once you overcome the previous level.

I run hundreds of keys each season, I see the whole forest and every tree in it. It’s funny that when content gets hard, the bads come out in droves saying it’s not fun. I’m having plenty of fun in keys. Sure, there are problems, but a lot of them are bad player problems.

yes it is because m plus will perish…the players will make it so if the devs already dont get the point…

The forest is the entire game not just M+. You are in the weeds of M+ or the trees and can’t see the larger picture of how the M+ playstyle and the toxicity of the player base are bleeding into the rest of the game.

I’m not the only one acknowledging M+ isn’t fun. It’s lead director said the same thing.

GD problem.

let’s add some more cosmetic rewards to m+

It’s funny because I don’t think he actually said that.


Going to need a citation for that one bud.

The counterpoint to Dinars every season is that they devs think it’s good if not everyone has exactly the items they want.

Part of RPGs is maximizing what you’re given, and not necessarily being guaranteed to have the best possible loot.

Which is why for next season it’s tied to the time all +12s achievement, so it’s far less likely for people to just get carried up there.

While this can help for the solo DPS, it’s directly counter to the goal for organized groups. Even at the current system, if you have 5 random keys, you have an almost 50% chance that one of them is mists. increasing it to keys working on 2 dungeons brings that to over 75%.

I think this is the only thing I disagree with. I like the idea of being able to use enchanted crests to upgrade one track to another, but you could include mythic with achievements.

You have to have 3K io to do mythic plus items.
You have to have killed the mythic boss of the item to upgrade it.

The rest of your ideas I believe would help M+ significantly and the loot track if combined with my totally (not biased) amazing idea for myth track.

u dont even d m+ why d ucare

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The way I could see it working for up to myth is instead of it being tied to crests, it instead costs 12 of the vault pity tokens, in addition to the 3k score requirement.


Ooo I haven’t thought of using vault tokens. Interesting. I like it. Added it to OP.

It was 12 tokens in my idea to specifically enforce that this is a late season upgrade and not just something you do early. In some previous posts I include it not being enabled until the x.7 patch.