Realistic M+ Suggestions

That works too. It’s really there as BLP. I’d much rather spend the pity tokens on an upgrade beyond sockets.

Very well written post (one can only hope that someone Community Manager thinks so as well and passes this on to the dev team for consideration.

The last line in the quote above should likely read “…all key levels above +2 without…”. As it reads now it includes a +2 key being in the range of keys that can deplete, but you can’t deplete a +2… it just stays a +2. if you’re suggesting the key should just evaporate if you fail a +2 a few times, that seems unintended or overly harsh to those just starting out in M+.

Everything else was :100: % agree! Thanks for this thoughtful and balanced post!!

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NO dinars. it will shorten content life too much.

Good point haha I can change that.

A change in what a healer is for a group in a few points.

Healers should be able to do close to tank damage, at least two or three should be able to do this almost passively as in through the process of them healing or allocated through group buffs so people don’t have ground to stand on when they do the whole “healers are for healing” spiel. A max geared healer should be able to do respectable if inconsistent dps numbers.

Priests get an interrupt. I don’t care about the pvp implications holy and disc being the only two specs in the game without interrupts is insane at this point.

specifically in m+ disease/curse/poison type debuffs are made the same dispel type similar to old afflicted as in all nonmagic/nonbleed debuffs are affected by all dispels, filtering healers based on class through this kind of utility is a poor choice when healers are already a rare role as is.

The godawful mana changes from shadowlands that made us have pvp drinking speed should be thrown in the garbage where it belongs. Consider doing damage gives mana talents for healers that don’t do damage to healing conversions, because those are always fun to play with.

Healer masteries as a baseline should have some kind of secondary component that gives a little stat to other players or boosts your damage in some way similar to all tanks having an attack power increase on their masteries. Healers having different stat weights in raid and m+ is annoying and awful since you get used to having like 2 or 3 or more sets just for stats trinkets and the like for m+ healer raid healer dps offspec tank offspec and the like.

All healers have hero or brez, not saying all healers get brez or all healers get hero but every healer has one or the other.

Make tanks less squishy, make single target healing not garbage, or ramp down on external requirements. Pick one.

Aside from that in season 1 bfa there was a “bug” where you could delete your key and get a new one through doing keys. Ie you had a 9 atal dazar but you delete it and clear a 11 key, and you get a 10 or 11 new key. This was fixed, but honestly it was a “fun detected” change, and I feel like it could be made an intended feature to reset your key if it gets turbo bricked somehow over the week.

Neither do you, so why do you?

I do, on other characters. Don’t be automatically assume that this is my main lol. I was KSH for two seasons back in DF, I’ve just sort of given up on this season because it’s not fun for me. I might’ve not done a lot this season, but I have most certainly done more than you. I’ve done keys, what have you done? Nothing. Don’t put me in the same category as you lol

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For someone who actually doesn’t do any M+ he certainly talks a lot about it.

thats not me i wasnt even able to play wow in 08 lmao

Oopsie lol there we go

how about get rid of keystones. And Dinars need to include dungeon trinkets.

Give M+ loadouts.

Based on your rating is what you can choose for your loadout like CoD. It’s an action mode, anyway.

At the beginning of the run, you insert the key and start the M+. You start in a loadout area with a chest where everyone can loot anything they want listed below. Gear and everything lasts for the full dungeon.

0 - 500 score: 606 ilvl gear, choose from list of weapons/trinkets from current season but 606 ilvl, choose from potions/flasks/weapon oils but tier 1 rank, choose from enchants but tier 1 rank.

500 - 1000 score: 610 ilvl gear, weapons/trinkets 610 ilvl, pots/flasks/oils rank 2, chants rank 2

1000 - 1500 score: 619 ivl, rank 3 pots/flasks/oils/chants

1500 - 2000 score: 623 ilvl, rank 3 consumables and chants, each player gets a perk - instant revive on first death

2000+: 625, rank 3, res on first death perk, time is money perk + 1 min on timers

You can always just get to 2000io score and then run low keys with maximum loadouts and crush everything easily for friends or alts or to get the chest in the vault easily.

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Meh I don’t care anyway, retail is garbo just read the thread and thought it was funny how many people find this terrible mode terrible.

Most people finding it terrible are ones that dont play it.

Its cool.

I think classic is garbo. But instead of advocating for it to be deleted, etc…I just let people that enjoy classic play classic.

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The problem with charges is that people would just leave even more groups

I don’t see any rationale to suggest people would leave more groups. The leaver rate should stay steady since the argument people bring is that people don’t care about the keyholder to begin with. The only new introduction would be the potential to get kicked, but that’s also limited due to charges.

That and a key holder just abandoning the key to get a different group

This would likely be no different than we see now, but also limited by charges. Would be a different story if they never deplete. Having a limit of 2 or 3 attempts still puts enough pressure to try your best because there’s still a risk that the remaining charges could also potentially fail.

Is realistic.
I do M+ but I am not blind enough not to see that the issue has gotten completely out of hand, with delirious proposals and even against the ToS.
In my opinion they should create a separate game that is only M+, it cannot be that a vocal minority affects all players with their demands that end up becoming modifications that the majority have not requested.
If they have even messed with those who were calm doing their delves. The level of arrogance of most M+ is unbearable for all players.