Real Tender For Trader's Tender: A Cash Shop Suggestion

Guess I lack a completionist mindset then. I will absolutely blow all my stashed resources and possibly a few $ on a gacha banner I actually want and let’s not even go in the real life material goods domain.
But this? Most of the things offered by the trading post are either really underwhelming, absolutely not my taste or very niche, and the niche mogs are also usually very very cheap.

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I’d like to thank the CMs for restoring the thread that was inappropriately flagged.

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I had an immediate visceral reaction to that image (Which was actually well done!). I hate to use the F-word in polite conversation, but that image just screams Freemium, and I come here so I don’t have to see or deal with it. Much as I hate slippery slope arguments, I’m very tempted to make one here.


well, here’s the kicker. Those tenders would be completely optional. You can still get your regular thousand by doing all the regular stuff you do and you still get your 500 or 600 by paying your subscription. and you would still get free tenders as part of a bundle like they are doing with the two two brooms. however, you have to think of this option like the token. You can either go earn 180,000 gold in the game for free or you can buy that gold from somebody for $20. The only difference is now you would be buying the tenders directly from blizzard and not from another player for a variety of pricing which are completely optional.

You know what would be nice? Infinitely grindable tender.

FF14 does it. Why can’t we? Oh that’s right, impulse control or something.


Have every achievement have a tender reward tied to it. 25 for minor ones like “Explore Desolace” and 2000 for “What a long strange trip it’s been!”.


this would be my preferred option. I already do all of the content anyway. But I usually have the thousand cap completed before I’m even 1/3 of the way done with all of my stuff. I could probably make about 3000 tenders a month if they uncapped it.

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Buying every single item off the Post every month completely takes away the Post actually is: it rewards you for staying subbed, logging in and completing tasks IN GAME.

Stop with the addictive FOMO. In the 2 years, I have never had the urge or need to buy every thing I see.

The answer is no. Good day, sir.

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God I wish they’d put endgame in the shop already so I can give daddy blizz a few hundred shmuckles for a full set of max ilvl pvp gear with neon highlights and a pink broom/prowler’s cape every expansion thatd be like sooo based.

That’s certainly an opinion, and the same could be said for the Vault. Free stuff for logging in and running your 8s. Only difference is, you can run unlimited M+ for stuff. I am limited on Tenders. These are not the same.

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I’m sure the last part of this is English, and it smells of some sarcrasm… but I would pay $69.99 for the top end PvE max gear in week One. However, Gear with stats becomes a Pay2Win. I am thinking more like Pay2Cosmetic.

what r u talking abt i just <3 microtransactions is all…

I’d rather not reply to them directly so I’m doubling off your post instead.

This idea of “Stop self-inflicted FOMO with the trading post” seems like a harsh stance to take. Yes, it is self-inflicted. All FOMO is.

Would it really matter if someone could grind endlessly and get all of the items? No, no it wouldn’t. So why are folks so against it? Who cares if you grind 100 vs 1000 tenders?

It seems like such an aggressive point to take. Yes, Blizzard intentionally throttled the trading post probably for retention sake. Is that a good thing for us, the players? Or is it a win for Blizzard against us? Why do they need that win in the first place?

When you sit through the reasoning it’s hard to look at it positively. It soils the idea of the Trading Post.

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I mean Star wars does it and people don’t complain on there about it, So i dont see the issue why WoW can’t do it

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We can be given more opportunities to earn them in game.


I think they should do what Star wars does get X mount for Sub and X amount for having the authenticator

SWTOR Cartel Coins was part of the inspiration for this.

This is my preferred option. Some people want to run M+ 90 hours per week. I just want to run 40 hours of open world content and old content and have them uncapped. But if they won’t uncap them, this is a solid backup plan. They won’t say no to money.

Star Wars is also free to play so it is expected to have a robust cash shop. I don’t get why we have to go right to paying for tender. Can we not just earn more tender in game?

if you buy Sub for it though you get extra stuff

Oh i know I also said one day Wow would copy this

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