Real Change, When?

This comment was pure gold!

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Thanks lol.
So true though and I’m guilty of it myself. I have definitely disagreed or shot something down for no reason that I could call justified, so it must have been to get a quick dopamine hit. One of those things you only realize in hindsight I guess.

What changes?

BfA I liked.
SL reasonable.
DF good.

They should absolutely add some of this! Maybe like an instanced zone that has enemies you need a group of people to take down. I’m thinking they could add a few smaller ones for groups of 5 people, and then a few larger ones for anywhere from 10-30 people. It would probably be wise to add a few levels of difficulty as well so there’s something for everyone.

Of course we would need a tool in game to help find people and put these groups together, but that would help connect players!

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Hilarious, but what you are talking about and what I mean are 2 different things.
Blizzard could throw an AI holy paladin named Boogz-Shadowmoon and the group would never know. There is a difference between having 4 other warm bodies in the same room as you and social interaction. Content that just requires more swords isn’t what I mean.

dragonflight is great, wdym?

I liked BFA, didn’t get to play SL, DF is alright imo but nothing special

You haven’t even played Dragonflight, how can you say it’s disastrous?

Pathfinder…again…even though we had flight day one…lmao
systems, more systems and then systems after that.
Currencies…more currencies…and then more vomitous currencies.

What systems specifically?

What currencies do you feel are overwhelming/too much?

If you can’t drum up some conversation after you’ve been put with 4 other people, then have you tried actually talking?

I seem to have zero issue talking to people in this game. Hell, at the beginning of DF my friends and I put together a community for people to join to run M+ and Raids without having to be in a guild. We still get people joining from our raids we put together.

The tools for social interaction are all there. People can’t be forced to interact with you if they don’t want to, however.


But that’s precisely why I post here =[

LMAO…you have GOT to be joking even asking that question given DF.
Not even worthy of wasting time with a response lol

LMAO…anyone else remember DOZENS of threads in here complaining about bag space being used by currencies and other crap you use to exchange for other crap in here?

Lord…if someone is going to pretend something isnt a thing, at least dont be so damned obvious.

thank admins for the ignore feature.

Hell, if you’ve got a group like that, you should drop a link to join it!
Couldn’t hurt at least :+1:

So a couple of things here.

What ideas of yours did I actually shoot down?

Am I allowed to say I am not a office worker, or will you play the victim that I shot that idea down, too?

The question is how to you make it so that you aren’t railroaded by the choice you may.

You can easily make multiple paths of progression, but you have to make them distinct, otherwise all of the solo stuff is essentially just a free ride for those running the multi player stuff, since they can (and would) do both, accelerating their progression.

So, the alternative is to have distinct paths. Like now with PvP. Sure, you can run M+ for gear, but it’s really lousy PvP gear, much like PvP gear is “just ok” M+ gear. So there’s no real motivation to do both, but more importantly, if you invest in one path, you’re pretty well committed since you can’t pick up where you left off in the other path.

They could make an open world, solo/casual gearing path, but it would essentially have to keep those players from succeeding in group content. You have to make that gear, not necessarily “worthless”, but certainly “worth less” in group content.

“4pc gear bonus does 20% extra damage in open world” kind of thing.

But they won’t do that, it really feels bad to do that. The PvP world and PvE worlds are separate enough to make that worthwhile, plus it’s a competitive thing where OP raiders messing with long time PvP players, isn’t really fair by any notion.

But segregating PvE stuff, definitely less fun and interesting.


I’d say those people left the MMORPG market completely, and once you’re free of that, why come back? It’s an abusive relationship.

WoW has lost millions of subs over the years, but you haven’t seen any other MMORPGs blow up from those people moving over to them. They just left the genre completely. There isn’t going to be a way to get those people back.

I agree that this is an option, and I also agree it would be a less fun and less interesting option.

Because the open world bonus they’d have to put on open world gear to keep up with m+/mythic raid would become quite insane. Then would come with having to juggle multiple gear sets for people that wouldnt have instanced pve gear better than the bonuses of open world gear.