Real Change, When?


I think DF did a lot of things right. I can see the effort the team put into it. Gearing in the open world has been good, DR has been fun and the time gating has been minimal imo.

Having said that, there’s a few things that are questionable.

The PF debacle for one. I’ll be ready for it, but I feel for others that struggle with DR and have to fulfill the rep requirements.

I completely agree, DF had a lot of improvements over Shadowlands. I’m not sure what you mean by DR and PF though, brain must be still in a fog, you’ll have to enlighten me.

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It really tough to have any kind of rational discussion on these forums when it comes to players requesting new features for the game.

There is just small contingent of players here that just like to poo poo ideas. Sure, many of these ideas are god awful, but some of them are legitimate decent ideas, that just get buried in a wall of NO, by players that just seem to not want the game to evolve one bit.

They seem to be threatened by any change. Very common for old games like WoW.


Hey no worries! DR = Dragon riding, and PF = Pathfinder.

Threatened by change yet they play retail… The game is constantly changing every xpac.


That’s one opinion but lately I’ve been leveling alts and going back to SL felt like going back home. In my opinion Revendreth, in particular, is one of the best zones anywhere in the WoW universe but I like the others as well.

Revendreth has my favorite NPC leaders, the best quests, I like the vampire like sword fighters that use Musketeer / Cardnal’s Guard type swords and most of all I like the dredgers. “If there’s nothing else then …”




I don’t know, the grinds killed SL for me. I think it was the expansion that I should have loved, but the anima grind was just awful. I begged Blizzard to improve their system, I gave them meaningful suggestions… and nothing changed, nothing happened.

I don’t even go back there anymore, it’s just a dead expansion for me.

We did get some really nice improvements to the game post-SL, but I think the price the community paid in learning those lessons and Blizzard finally implementing them was way too high.

Maybe this post is a bit dramatic, I don’t know.


I didn’t find the anmia grind all that necessasry. Seems it would do things like allow you to open portals and such but there were plenty of ways to get around. I really liked doing the World Quests and daylies and it seemed you would get plenty of anima from those things.

Add to that, the Windrunner sisters are my favorite charactors so I really liked having a release based on Sylvanas.

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The borrowed power grinds in Legion-SL were really not that interesting. It merely gave the appearance of something to do, but the reality is, they just slapped this system on top of the activities we have been doing since day 1 of WoW’s release. It wasn’t really content.

People have been begging for meaningful content in the game outside raiding since day 1. Blizzard just kind of sucks at creating non-instance content, it was never their forte.

I don’t blame players for wanting more from the game in 2023 that isn’t just grinding some instance over and over again. It is okay for that content to exist, but the game needs more variety. I guess it is foolish to want a change in direction at this point, the game isn’t getting the resources it once got.

Blizzard seems content to just milk what is left with character services and store items. Providing a fun gaming experience doesn’t seem to be their priority anymore.


Get rid of the constant unskippable quest dialogue and Dragonflight will improve by leaps and bounds.

This game is constantly changing. I’m sorry if the changes are not what you want or not enough.

But it is changing all the time

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Prime example of the WoW playerbase. Must be the type to votekick someone for being new or being 4 il points too low. You know, a real “winner” and likeable person that is a beacon of the community and used as an example to draw new players into the game so it grows and stays healthy.

This game has the least amount of subscribers in its history. Dragonflight did nothing to bring back the many MILLIONS that quit and the fact some people need to say things like “many consider” shows just how horrible the state of the game is because years ago it was “xpac sold x millions, clear proof its poplar” and now its already down to “many peepolls say” to try to sugarcoat the pile of horse-nonsense that is reality.


This is kind of what is left playing retail these days. WoW has the reputation of being one of the worst MMO communities out there.


Seems to me that WoW isn’t the game for you and I don’t mean this in a bad way. If you find/found no enjoyment in the last three expansions then finding a different game to play would seem to be the best option. Personally, I’ve had fun in ALL of the expansions, hence I continue to play. The moment that stops, I to would find a different game.


Exactly. People that write a complaint but provide no examples or explanations…then their opinion of complaining means nothing.

Might as well posted gibberish as it would carry the same value.

I’m quite satisfied with DF.

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Ahh that makes sense now.
My fault.
I’m in the same boat. I don’t think pathfinder should be tied to rep, or anything for that matter. If you can fly on a dragon, I don’t see why you shouldn’t be able to just fly on a regular mount. Just give it to people for crying out loud. If they wanted to grind rep, they would have done it by now.


I think this gets confused for people asking for alternative means of getting the gear TBH, but I also think a lot of that mentality boils down to the fact the the only real social experience in WoW is endgame and to do endgame you need good gear.
If you want to play casually, but still socially, it kind of sucks.
I don’t want to raid, but I want to do activities with my guild. What guild activities exist that people are incentivized to do outside of raid and pvp?
Sure there are some, but nothing meaningful in the game outside of RP stuff.

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I think this is how they want the game to go. I think those days of community, etc… are over.

I could be wrong but I don’t think so because the people who want the game to go in this direction are still there, making the decisions.