REAL backpacks lol

Yup! How fun would it be to have some sort of little questline like we did in Legion to craft them? :smiley:

Agreed. They had a good start with the cosmetic helms this time around. I hope they expand it to more backpacks!

Oooh I love this reference!


I don’t understand why you would ask for something that we already have. Why not something we don’t? Like proper cloaks (not the capes we currently have). Jetpacks, helipacks, big love rocket strapped to yo back. satellite and Antanea? Smoking dark iron ore bag. A chicken strapped to your back, flailing and flapping around. Get your Banjo-Kazooie on.

By this joke illogic they should NEVER make a single new head/neck/back/leg/waste/etc transmog item…EVER again LMAO.

There are a couple “real backpacks” out there.

Black Dragonscale Backpack - Item - World of Warcraft (

Renowned Explorer’s Rucksack - Item - World of Warcraft (

What, are you going to school?

What do you need a backpack for?

both are pretty cool.
Ive already covered both in multiple posts.

around my city here drug dealers like to carry drugs in them.
I thought it’d be cool to confuse a cop. :+1:

Logic seems sound to me, you want them to make more of the exact same thing. They make lots of helms that are entirely different than another. You’re logic would be make more round helmets and nothing else.

Really simple, basic concepts here…absolutely nothing new to this game, lol

I asked for MORE packs…I never said make them all the same…quite the opposite, in fact. Read next time.

youre about 8 seconds from joining the list with the others.

Heaven forbid you ask for a walking stick to go with the mog. :grimacing: You might break the game.

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:+1: :rofl:
hmmmm…that actually sounds cool too.
HEY ION… :laughing:

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At least that would be a “new”. If Rahkeetahp had his way, would have 20 more shadowcraft Jerkin recolors, screw fancy new models or textures! rofl

One of two things…you like to argue pointlessly…in which case Im not interested and Im going to ignore you.
Or two…youre seriously this confused and I have zero patience and tolerance for such…and Im going to ignore you.
bye bye.
what R ACTUALLY asked for and said…

Looks at the hundreds and hundreds of redundant cloak mogs LMAO

[1] They can’t read your mind.
[2] They won’t customize the game for you. There are more than a million players.

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:thinking: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
They added “backpacks” for every covenant in this expansion.
I got a rock. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Oh dang, you’re making too much sense. You’re already close to being on his naughty list .

Imagine someone with so much time to burn in life that they feel the overwhelming compulsive need to keep foaming about players in a video game asking for a few more transmogs that have no bearing on their game…or their existence.
Personally when i see a thread asking for stuff I have no personal investment in, I just do the adult thing and dont bother with it. But thats just me, I spose.

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The “I don’t want it, how dare you ask for it” people are after you in force.


Imagine someone so selfish in a game with millions of players, ungrateful of the sinstone on his back that a designer took the long hours of time to make a completely new model with animated chains and has meaningful purpose within the game. to… “uuuh it’s a crappy rock, can I just get a recolor of the old backpack you made in BFA” . Go play with your tinfoil ball.

its just Ions alts, lol. Nothing too think to hard about. Ive added half a dozen of them to my ignore list.
I dont mind arguing if there is something to argue AND the other side is actually READING and UNDERSTANDING points made…but every single one of them in this thread clearly arent…and dont…so they arent worth the time investment.

I guess there are no casual/hard core gear threads up so this is the next best thing.

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