REAL backpacks lol

Now don’t you go making sense against the guy who claims to be making sense LMAO

No one asked for this.

You’re making up some wild narrative that doesn’t exist.

Wanting to see more backpacks =/= WE WANT INFINITE AMOINT OF THINGS!

Just stop. :woman_facepalming:t4:


I want rollerskates as well, and wow token every month that I’m sub’d, and a free mount every 6 weeks and a stimulus check to pay for my sub.

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yeah I’m just going to put the green letter guy on ignore because he just comes into these threads just plainly to argue. And then tries to pretend like he’s making sense when he’s making absolutely zero sense. A lot of us collect transmogs duh and so we would like to see more of a transmog that we like and yet this green letter guy can’t seem to add two and two to figure that out. Poster ignored

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I’d agree with you if the tombstone had any weight to it and didn’t bounce around like the lightest of balloons…


what if they made toy that makes you wear the parachute on yer back? like from the azerite bg you enter?

if not, i’d still suggest different sized bags instead, mere suggestion that is.

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I am saying that because in order to make everyone happy, they would need to be able to make an enormous amount of things.
You are effectively asking for this by suggesting they make more backpacks, because it would come at the expense of them making other things that other people want.

Is that not obvious?

Yeah in Jesus Christ we didn’t get like 50 new swords and 50 new maces and 50 new cloaks and 50 new legs and 50 new chests. Lmao.
yeah it would just be too complicated to recolor an existing backpack and throw it in as a drop off of a dungeon boss lol. Yeah I’m seriously got to put you on ignore as soon as I get back to the house

And you act like Ion H. is gonna open up his browser, sip on his coffee and peruse through the cesspool that is GD? Cause saying ‘Hey X’ really works…

Literally you would have better luck directly calling their office and voicing your complaints.

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So once again, you’re making crap up. OP didn’t ask for an enormous amount of things. Nor is anyone else in here. No one said “make everyone happy.” You’ve twisted this whole conversation into something it’s not.


Let’s try this again…


You can’t even correctly comprehend a conversation and twisted into whatever bs narrative you want to make up. Maybe try actually reading the OP. IS THAT NOT OBVIOUS?! :roll_eyes:


I read the first three sentences and I could tell that the OP was too lazy to do current content at the time and now wants easier ways to get said item.

I don’t understand the reactions to this.
The OP is suggesting that instead of making the back cosmetics they made, they should make more backpacks.
Do we agree there?

Okay, well if they did that, then some new person would come in and say “I am sick of backpacks, why did you make so many?”

So then that person would feel the same way you feel now, and we would be arguing with them.
Then they would get their way, and then a third complaint would arise.

Its a never-ending cycle.

You have to be aware of this, because its how the game is made.
You not getting exactly what you want is how its always going to go, and asking to get exactly what you want is just going to make some one else not get what they want.

You might not care about what other people want, but try to understand it from Blizzard’s perspective if you want them to be concerned with yours.

You mean like this?

https: //ibb. co/Bs0JF30

Just remove the spaces…

Well, the best thing in life are not free. You have to work for it. That’s how it works with WoW. And I am okay with it.

Night Fae Covenant provides two additional backpacks. Faeries FTW!

So you don’t have room to comment. Bye bye.

So now you’re saying “we can’t have a few more backpack because someone might whine about it.”

Once again, making up crap narratives.

Go away, Metro. Your arguments are ridiculous. Don’t like backpacks? Fine. Stop trying to block people from asking for something they’d like to see in the game.


I like backpacks quite a lot, but there are plenty in the game already, so its important that they diversify what they are doing to accommodate a variety of tastes.
That is as plain as I can put it.
Sorry for the confusion.


By “plenty” you mean one Covenant locked, one race locked, one from BfA and one locked behind 9 months of RaF, while we’ve got a billion normal capes?

Just stop. :roll_eyes:


That’s correct. Three is plenty, for such a unique option.
And please, stop telling me to stop.
That is against the forum’s Code of Conduct, and I will not be stopping regardless.

Just discuss the topic as you see fit and I will respond when I can.

And that is your opinion. Not ours. Three backpacks is a start. Some of us want to see more. No one asked for infinite choices. No one said “only make backpacks.” Someone did say, “recolor one a few times and throw it in as a droprate.”

Yet you sit here, lecturing and condescending as if we’re asking Blizzard for the whole world and it’s impossible to make a few recolors or have profession backpacks.

When you’re making nonsensical arguments, you need to take a step back and realize how ridiculous your argument sounds. That’s not against CoC. So don’t you dare threaten me.

Fine. Then I will.

Ending with this: don’t tell people what they can and cannot ask for, don’t make up false narratives, and don’t destroy a thread that could have been about neat ideas for things with your negativity ever again.
