Ready to give up

I just have to say this, don’t know if it will be seen or not. I had a D&D friend (and his GF) who was VERY VERY interested in playing WoW. I had them over and showed them how everything worked. Like I said, they were totally game and were WoW’d by how fun it looked. They both wanted to make a Void Elf. After I told them they had to make a new character, level it, then grind rep for a month to even make one my friend asked “Why would they do that?” LSS They aren’t playing after all. :frowning:

I know I am another person but, it would be cool if tracking a quest achievement would put a marker or, some type of signifier, on quests you need to do to complete that achievement.

For example, a lot of the zone completion achievements can be completed reasonably quickly. Finding an old wowhead article and trying to follow it, constantly alt-tabbing back and forth, double-checking you’re only doing necessary quests, makes the whole process frustrating. And it doesn’t need to be.

Kind of like how the quest log is limited to 25 quests. So, when a new expansion comes out, you have to drop all of the quests you had going on for fun because you need to make room for the current stuff.

Designing things this way is annoying. At 20 bucks a month I think you can afford to track some quest progress.


It’s really not that hard to unlock flying. Maybe this game isn’t for you, if you think it’s hard.

Don’t attempt Classic.

posting on my main ^^^

If you think it’s Damn near impossible, and the sucker advertising making people cold just log in , then you don’t really process the information that well. In other words, there’s a reading comprehension issue, and this isn’t making fun, however, it is an observation from what I have read in these posts, and what I have actually completed within the game to attain what was offered.

I agree. I despise pathfinder. I have been grinding some allied race rep, and it isn’t terrible once you complete it. It’s a nice reward. Pathfinder, on the other hand just makes me want to quit every time I look at it, but it isn’t necessary, so still in the game for now.

Pathfinder is the Wow killer.

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I can think of no other company on this planet that so thoroughly flies in the face of the people that buy their product. Can you imagine any company with a physical product that would do this, or make their customers feel this way? It’s so contrary to the rest of the world.

I’m not disagreeing with you. I just read these types of things and I’m baffled how they get away with this kind of business practice. (Also, I’m paying them so… not not-guilty here.)


The requirement for repeated WQs is the killer for me. Don’t make something so basic to our enjoyment of the game require repeated grinding of the same thing.

Completing the story - fine.
Getting rep for an allied race - OK.
Please don’t make us grind WQs for flying in zones where we have already done all the content. I have two accounts and 8 120s and have done a ton of quests, but am no where near unlocking flying because I play what appeals to me, not grinding repeated WQs.

You have no idea how much I hate the WOW killer = Pathfinder.

Pathfinder is WOWs death for me.


Yeah I logged into 8.2 once or twice and haven’t been back. I don’t even care if I never fly a day in 8.2.

There is nothing to come and experience that you can’t get by watching the cut-scenes on YouTube.

  • Community destroyed - Check
  • Classes destroyed - Check
  • PVP/PVE servers destroyed - Check
  • Meaningful gear upgrades and BiS destroyed - Check
  • Flying around on alts after buying flying destroyed - Check
  • PVP gear vendors destroyed - Check
  • Power progression on a toon psychology destroyed by scaling - Check

You pay $20/month? I’m paying $12.99.

If you want try to pay for a Race change.

Everything about this is a concern. If someone is a returning or new player they have a pretty long grind to unlock the races. This means that they have to play something they don’t want to for quite a while before they get to play what they actually want to. At which point they have to go redo all the content they just did on the character they didn’t want to do it on on the character they now want to play?!?!?!!!?

It makes as much sense as that paragraph did :joy::joy: seriously if it was something like a short quest chain you could do on a trial character that was the requiremnt I’d maybe be alright with it.

As it stands it’s too much time on characters you don’t want to play to unlock ones you do want to play.


I am completely a noob to this game however a gamer for many years. At least for me, when a group of us came over to WOW and started playing, it seemed like the tenancy was to race to the top or end game. I have had Azeroth expansion for some time and have yet to even go there. I have many years of Blizzard content to go thru first. I happen to enjoy the writing and the content of the various story lines, as I usually play with a friend of mine, and we go on mission together. I’ll get flying one day. I noticed that every time I caved to the temptation of blasting forward, I basically abandon a whole expansion. ( I basically spent a few days in Pandaria) I honestly regret that. Now to go back really isn’t nearly as fun as playing at my current level. There is no challenge. To me that is grinding thru stuff.

We have worked towards this,MANY MANY MANY TIMES…Earned it,paid for it,quested for it just to have it taken away again and again.It becomes mundane and ridiculous to take away things players have earned,then FORCE them to earn it again,and call it “content”.

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This is another issue to this game,HAVING to get add-ons for everything in game,having to use third party websites to check your character,using third party websites to build your character,having to sim each time you get a new piece of gear,etc.People spend more time outside on websites anymore trying to make sure they can get in a raid or mythic groups instead of playing the actual game.I’ve played a lot of games,and this has to be the only game I’ve ever played in which this happens,in order to play the game,you stay out of the game researching every inch possible in hopes of getting an invite to a group lol.


Searching WoWhead for a tl;dr guide of how to complete content isn’t necessary to complete the content. It’s like saying you need to Google a walk-through for a single player game because you can’t be bothered figuring out how to find a particular item on your own.

Real question: why do you care at all about achievements? They’re just silly things the devs make up. In most cases, you haven’t “achieved” anything other than sacrifice your fun to do something some developer added as an achievement without even thinking about it.


I think the biggest problem is there’s too many “filler quests” and busy work in a game that at this point and this expansion should be more epic in scope than it currently is.

I understand the need for grind in an MMO, as it keeps players playing and progressing towards the same goal, but I remember when those activities were enjoyable and didn’t feel like 90% busy work for 10% enjoyable content which is what BFA has become. I also remember the glory days of when you didn’t need to use a third party site to do most casual activities. I remember when zones were created with flying in mind (BC, WOTLK, CATA) and miss the way flying was handled then.

Sure I think preliminary requisites should be completed but maybe the zones themselves can be better designed to not strip a player of something they had the ability to do prior to entering the new content’s zones. It’s jarring for new players and frustrating for veteran players. The current iteration requires you play every single day for numerous days to unlock flying, this is extremely frustrating even as a veteran player and someone who plays every or almost every day.

The requirements shouldn’t be gated behind how much rep can you attain per day due to the daily allotment which resets and all potential progress is not able to be caught up on if you miss a day. From what I remember I could grind out pathfinder as quick or slow as I wanted in legion.


I am pretty much done with this. After all this time i only got Highmountain Tauren and i am done.
What about the revmap?

No, they really don’t. I’m feeling the same pain of having to try figure out how to get through some of the achievements, but WoWhead doesn’t have the answers I’m looking for. I’ve spent the majority of today just looking for information on ONE achievement.

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