Ready to give up

Well the horde teamed up with the undead, and they want all humans dead. Also the orcs are invaders from another world who shouldn’t even be on our planet.

I really can’t see how it’s so confusing. If you read every, then the story that’s within these quests practically point to where to go. This is especially true for Argus, because a quest pops up when you enter Dalaran, and sends you to the Dreanei area to see the Vindecar.

Then you establish a beachhead on the Planet, and then start to unlock the 3 areas. By the time you get to where you’re told to move the vindecar to the floating continent that’s been touched by The Fel, you meet Aleria, and learn what she’s dabbling with in void powers fully. There are hints of this when establixhing the beachhead, and when you’re going to free the Naruu.

I suspect that those that are finding a hard time following this, then they must be just skimming the quests, or just reading the bottom of how many things to kill, or gather.
It wasn’t hard at all for me to unlock the Allied races that I actually wanted to unlock.

Having played Classic in the stress test, I completely agree with this. The game has become too ‘busy’. Too many requirements for this or that. There’s something really peaceful and pure about Classic that all the hurly burly of BfA cannot match.


You are wrong, I was exalted with Nightborn before I ever came close to getting close to unlocking it and guess what, I am 1 questline away from Good Sam and they changed it to insurrection, now I guess I have to get good sam to get to insurrection. that oughtta be fun, I’m a 120 already and had to go back just to try and get it and I’ve stumbled stupidly acrossed every bit of it to find it. It’s an uncalled for pain in the a*s and the allied races shouldn’t have been a selling point in the game if they were going to make us run all over hell’s creation to get to them. IF I manage to get nightborn open that’s it, it’s just a load of crap. Don’t do sucker advertising making people think they cold just log in and do it and then so “OH!, I’m sorry, we made it damn near impossible to do.” Good luck, and good luck finding help on wowhead cause their page is now blank with banners and all warcraft forums does is say “do this, then this, then that, a couple of those, some of this, a few of them, a little of that” and now you only opened up one race.

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Wrong.The undead ONLY teamed with the Horde to have a home.The humans invited them back,since they were the humans friends/family etc.THEN the humans decided they didn’t love them any more merely because they were raised against their will by the Lich King.The undead was doing what they were asked,following the rules laid out for them,being productive in the society,when humans started hunting them down,killing them off,lynching them and driving them out away from the homes and people they loved.Humans have a mind set of "if they’re different kill them,even if it’s other humans lol.

No no no play through the undead zone. The undead have a home they are only using the horde. Hey we are undead lets kill all the life but we will spare horde cause we can use them.

Also in WC3 the horde invade the NE zone and slaughter Centaurus. The orcs were still falling to demon temptation.

Yes,yes,yes.I’m talking lorewise brother,NOT in the game.I’ve played throught the Undead area to many times to count.If I can find the storyline I’ll post it here.

Clearing out each story in the zones and getting revered which is a joke is a mountain? You are extremely exaggerating for no reason.

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Some day we won’t have it at all :frowning:

I wish you flying crybabies would just quit already

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Logging in after skipping content due to a break and expecting some current rewards to be quick and easy is silly and naive.

That being said, having rewards in a current xpac that require many hours of work in old xpacs is silly as well.

I’ve heard many times over the years that Blizz doesn’t want people hanging out in old content areas for extended periods of time. So this idea of making people spend dozens of hours in Legion (doing Legion content) is kinda counter-productive.

Any part of anything requiring grinding for extended periods of time in old content for a reward in the current xpac should be removed / changed / modified.

In other words, if you want Draenor flying, then of course, go do Draenor content. But if you want BfA races, the content should be within BfA, and BfA only. If they absolutely, positively need to involve the old xpacs, then locate the content in Legion, WoD, friggin BC or whatever, but make it BfA content.

Edit: Excellent necros this morning.

It is all so

If Blizzard wasn’t beholden to Activision shareholders maybe they could go back to making WoW at their own pace. Instead more and more of it becomes gated behind time sinks and confusing quest lines. Legion offered a quick and easy way to unlock demon hunters. BFA is so oppressive I have no intention of even purchasing it despite thinking dark iron dwarves would have been fun to play. Instead I patiently wait for classic and grind transmogs.

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I am not going to flame you for having an opinion, as it is not productive.

You might download the BTW Quests addon, which will show you exactly what quest chains you are on. It also makes it clear which quests are side quests, or side chains that do not impact certain achievements.

There are several trackers on wowhead to check where you are for attunements,like pathfinder and allied races. I would check those out, you can check your progress on ANY quest chain.

Allied races are a bonus to regular play, so you won’t find a lot of sympathy for the requirements. However, the advertisements for BFA definitely were not clear about the workload involved and you aren’t alone in complaining.

Flight it a contentious topic. While I agree it never should have been taken away, it was. It is Blizzard’s game, we only have a license to play it. We are actually lucky to have flight at all in any new content, as they did want to remove it entirely. Many people are ok with the compromise.

The real issue is that time played is a metric, any thing that extends that time is a plus for Activision. I wish they could see that they could use flight to their advantage, by giving us things you can only do while flying and let us have battle mounts. I wish they could see that easier access to allied races would increase time played.

How am I to convince my son to come back because he really really likes the idea of playing a vulpera. Then I would have to tell him he has to level a regular character to 120 and earn a lot of rep to do that. It is a very hard sell. I want to play a Nightborne and a Zandalari Troll but I don’t have a Horde toon so I would have to level one and play it just to get those. It makes no sense when I helped liberate Suramar on my Alliance toon.

It is very clear that Activision/Blizz doesn’t understand its players. It’s like when I worked in Cosmetics. We only got 3 of a certain color lipstick a month, and we sold all three about a week into that month. But all the buyers saw was , 3 sold, order 3 more. We could have sold 12 a month at least. I had to keep list of lost sales to get it fixed and grow my business.

Unfortunately, we only have the forums and Blizzard does not see them as valid feedback. It is frustrating. It has not increased my time played. It made me find other things to do with my time.

In the end, we all have a choice, play or don’t play, Stay or go.

I hope you decide to stay.



Isn’t the point of this entire game to work towards something you want?

Show me 1 working tracking link on wowhead because when I go there all I see is banners and nothing else.

Agreed. Love your name, btw.

I sincerely hope you have no intent on playing Classic, because…yeah. Just do yourself a favor.

EDIT: As mentioned above, GET BTW Questing add-on. It will essentially make this issue go away.

Not opposed to working towards something I want. I tried and tried until I succeeded in getting the feral challenge artifact appearance from the mage tower and it felt really good finally getting it.

Having story content and such gated behind an arbitrary time gate or rep grind? Less so. Especially when you end up reaching exalted with said factions required for said allied races, and mount rewards for several of them are just recolors of yet more horses.

It used to be that rep and such was something you did on the side back in BC/Wrath if you wanted a cool mount. Now it’s almost mandatory even for story content which is ridiculous imo.

The game has a real problem with investment of time vs. reward. Rewards for rep are frankly lame. Add on top of that, the warforging and titanforging and removal of class sets and this expansion just has felt lackluster overall outside of the initial leveling content. Hopefully 8.2 can turn things around.

Wowhead has all the answers to your confusion.