Ready to give up

BFA is achievements, there’s no fun elsewhere to be had. Any time you do something, someone is going to play gatekeeper with achievements or be looking you up. Just do the content you can, get your flying in your own pace. You have no idea how bad things are at 120 compared to finding achievements/seeing BFA for the first time. After that its <WoD level of entertainment.

care to tell what achieve? Cause there’s almost 100% a guide for everything on Youtube if not WoWhead. Almost guaranteed it’s on WoWhead, though.

Did you seriously just imply you have to use your brain in anything in WoW. Its as easy an MMO as it gets… Also grinding rewards isnt using your brain as you claim…

Figuring stuff out ecause you want to is different from figuring stuff out becuase you are forced to.

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Nobodies forcing anyone to do anything, though.

People are WANTING to figure out how to fly, that’s their choice.

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Hahahaha. Good one.

To chime in on the whole “You don’t NEED to use WoWhead” topic, that is an incredibly disingenuous argument. The nature of the complaint is that what the game provides you isn’t adequately pointing you in the right direction. Allow me to provide an example:

I’ve been going back to enjoy WoD content, specifically the garrison. I didn’t play during WoD, and only came back for Legion. I want to upgrade all my buildings to level 3 so that everything looks nice, I enjoy the work towards it. I saw that my lumbermill required a particular achievement. So I looked it up in the achievement guide, and saw I needed to do 75 work orders and complete a quest chain. Good enough, right? Well, no. Turns out that achievement doesn’t display every quest chain you need to earn it.

TECHNICALLY, I could experiment and go through literally every possible quest in WoD to figure out how to get this achievement, but can we honestly say that this is good game design? It’s not a matter of if you can because yes, you can spend literal years doing every possible thing that could be possibly conceived, but that’s neither fun nor intuitive design. You technically CAN discover the password to any 6-digit number system by entering in every single possible combination of numbers, but that doesn’t make you a hacker.

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Don’t forget, those new races were also a central part of BC, so they had full starter zones, a slew of mounts, a new class option (Horde could be paladins and Alliance could be shamans), AND you were still interacting with those races right up to the final patch.

I look at Allied Races as nothing more than a prestige skin. I’ll still unlock them all, but I would’ve rather they had been options such as Dwarf could become Iron Dwarf at the barbershop, instead of being totally new characters. When they were originally announced as sub races I pictured them the way red pandas are for female pandaren.


I partially agree with the OP. I haven’t bothered with flying since WoD because I find the grind and the lame quest lines to be drier than an MRE cracker. But I don’t understand complaining about it. Blizzard has been grind crazy since Classic. This is nothing new. In Classic you had to farm dark iron rep by turning in dark iron ore to get recipes so you could make enough fire resistant armor for a 40 man raid to do MC. So honestly, it’s not that bad.

So either suck it up and grind out pathfinder, or don’t.

yea blizz need to stop that rep grind stuff… lets go back to the gold part we pay for flying… Idc about no rep… to be honest… is getting old… this might be the first time I wont bother with the flying… im so mad… and I hope they read this causer they only read what they want


agreed, their habit or taking things away each new expansion is beyond getting old. and while i dont care about new races, having to grind out reps you dont care about is just annoying.
i’d be pissed too if i came back to the game because i wanted to play the new race only to find out that i need to level up another character and grind with them first.


I swear the newbies are so lazy it kills me. You want everything handed to you on a silver spoon. Do the damn work like everyone else has and stop complaining or don’t play the game.

No one wants anything for free. I’m tired of working over and over for the SAME REWARD. You would not be at all happy if your job deducted your paycheck every time from your bank account before depositing it again, would you?

There’s no sense of progression in the game. I grind and grind and get better gear and the bears are somehow doing the same? I grind and grind and get back into the sky and then am grounded again?

I really want the game to be worth paying for again. I will complain until either it is worth paying for and playing again, or the devs show that they really don’t care about getting my money for a product I want to purchase (and I WILL complain about that too, it’s my prerogative). How about you stop complaining sometime?


maybe you should go play go fish with your parents then that game should be easy for you

the rep grind was easy stop whining

Even I finished the rep in about 6 days. It wasn’t bad at all. Also was my first pathfinder completed.

Omg I literally said the same thing in an other post, thank god I wasn’t the only one feeling this way


No, the newbees are not lazy.
I started playing back in Cata and I was so happy to get off the ground by getting to a certain level and then purchasing flight.
I did every quest I could do.
I got exalted with all the factions that I could.
I got many achvs.
I went everywhere.
I liked the game, thanks to flying.
NOW, not so much since pathfinder and gcd and rngx2 and portal removal and…
Flying makes the game…for me.
Return the old school portals and leave the new.
Return the fun.
Many players will not do a certain quest or go somewhere because of lack of access.
Ease of ingress and egress and they will come.
Good grief Ion


In this thread, a whole lot of people wanting stuff handed to them on silver platters.

Flying should be a given. I’ll grind for other stuff, but please don’t rep and time-gate flying. Thank you blizzard!