Ready to give up

It seems to me that in earlier expansions if you got an achievement one side of the WoW coin it was mirrored and you got the equal version of the achieve on the alliance side. That is also something that should be returned. I quit for 2 years because I was sick of all the bs in getting flying in WoD and came back near the end of Legion only to find it no better than before, if not worse. It’s fairly simple thinking to me. If you introduce a new race, let people play it. If you have an xpac where flying is allowed let people buy it. It was always that way for me before and would like to see it that way again. The hoops are unneeded and unwanted.


Agreed. If they are going to introduce new races or even classes in an expac they should not be gated behind rep or anything else. If they need a gate at all it should be a intro zone or a few hours in game time single player instance back story of quests or something then allow the player to be that class or race.

Gateing new races behind several rep grinds AND quests AND then “patch release gates” AND then unlock quests before you can play what you bought the expac for is ridiculous.

Not only from a respect your player base standpoint but also from a business standpoint regarding attracting new players to the game.


Update: It did end up taking close to three months and indeed it sucked the entire way. I am in no way inclined to do that again with the Kul’Tirian or Zandalari at all unless something improves.

On a more positive note I will say having finally unlocked the Lightforged and Void it has reignited interest in playing again which I thought had died. Haven’t played a warrior since BC so that helped too.

I’m an old school wow player. I paid gold for flight back in the day from the flight vendor. It was changed so now I don’t bother with it, I don’t have the time to play WOW the way I used to. I don’t have flight in Legion and probably wont in BFA. I’m done with rep grinds, and repeating content over and over again to get something that should have never been taken away.

I played vanilla I did enough grinding through that to last a lifetime. I’ve been a loyal customer of Blizz/WoW for 15 years. IRL changed my play time, plus I mainly pvp, but then that’s a sideshow, and gets me no rep whatsoever with any factions.


Have you done the Balance of Power quest in Legion and all the class hall stuff? You know how confusing all that is to find where you need to go next, what quest comes when and what you are missing?

But, you know what makes it super easy like it should be? AN ADDON. Nothing in your game makes it easy, once I got the addon BTWQuests I got through the content so super easy, didn’t have to run around the comments on Wowhead, didn’t have to fly here and there to work it all out.

And you know what sucks the most? This was like 2 weeks ago on my rogue, I STILL had no idea what I was doing because it’s all so confusing.

It’s the same with all this stuff, go unlock rep and than what? Run around until you find the right quest? Where do you even start? Unless someone found it before you and told you, you just don’t know where to begin.

Unlocking Highmountain Taurens was stupid, I had to go back to ORGRIMMAR to start the quest, in that little hub of allied races, it makes sense to have the allied races together, but nothing told me to go there, I found it by mistake one day and did not even know I was eligible to unlock the race, if not for Wowhead I would literally not even known I could play them and what to do to unlock them, because nothing IN GAME tells you this.


For me, the biggest problem has been trying to help people who came later. It’s like, I remember what I did back at the beginning, but a lot of that has been changed. Some of the changes only apply to alts of players who have completed the content previously, and some apply to everyone.

And whenever people ask this, there’s always someone telling them they should “just know” something that I know isn’t true for them.

kinda pathetic. sorry.

Its Blizzard’s job to design an experience for quests and interaction with flying.

The outcome is: they failed to do so or chose not to do so, then resolved to restrict flying.


They got it from 1000’s of contributors to there site … 1000’s of beta testers 100+ staff… Or thats what I assume sites do right ?

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I personally enjoy unlock allied races. Gives me more reason to log in and play.

It maybe easier to unlock if you were there from Legion.

Consider a BfA new player , unlocking some ARs is just painful :sweat_smile:.

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Or someone changing from Horde > Alliance and vice versa.

For a new player it is a lot worse, get to 120, get your rep from an older expansion, that is like 2-3 months of work just to unlock an AR.

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Isnt it like 2 weeks now? If you really want a reward you should put the time and effort into it.

But its funny how something silly such as an allied race requires more effort being put into the game than WQ’s giving free gear that even has a chance at titanforging to be better than mythic gear. That shouldn’t be a thing.

actually weather its a bug or intended, there are some war supply crates get stuck in tree branches. i spent several mins climbing a tree. combined with engineering and gliders almost had it but de-spawned before i reached the final branch.

what does this have to do with anything? with flying i just go up land on it grab it and go. no effort required.
others you may have to fight over.

but i do like flying. Druids have a flight form and that nice to be a bird.
i think the current unlock flying requirements are fine but maybe roll in past requirements into also unlocking with new expansions. like say 9.0 drops anyone who doesnt have bfa flying get it unlocked as its now old content. helps speed people along to current content. or if they unlock 9.0 flying it auto unlocks flying for all other past expansions.

as far as unlocking allied races i think lowering the rep requirement one level is a better alternative to doubling the rep gains as there are other rewards that get unlocked faster as a side effect.

I have accepted that I can never have a dark Iron dwarf because its locked behind me having to do a dungeon which I cannot do dungeons because I get siezures and ya I have the rep.
I hope and pray they do not do this with Pathfinder 2. If they put a dungeon no fly for me :frowning:


yeah i don’t mind all the requirements but that fact that its marketed if you buy the xpac you can play new races is kind of slimy


" It seems that with every expansion our flight ability is taken away"

May your words live rent free in the minds of the developers

MoP was the last good expansion with flight at max level, it all went to hell after that


It’s not untrue, without the expansion pack you wouldn’t be able to play the allied races. They didn’t lie.

Aliance has killed MORE innocent Horde than vice versa.Look at the beginning,Horde just looking for a new home.Jaina’s dad comes along and tries to wipe out every man,woman and child of the Horde he could find off the map.Then King Wrynn was putting the Horde THAT DIDN’T fight against them into prison camps (including women and children.) It seems the “good guys” are usually always as bad or worse than the so called “bad guys” as long as they yell “for the good of the masses” or “in the name of whatever deity” etc etc it’s all fine right? lol

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